
anthrax n.(pl. anthraces ) 【醫學】炭疽(病)...

This might be why anthrax is also known as the wool 8 ) sorter “ s disease 炭疽熱又稱為毛工病,原因可能就在此。

anthrax bacillus

Anthrax can be prevented after exposure to anthrax spores by early treatment with the appropriate antibiotics 暴露于炭疽孢子后,若及早以適當的抗生素治療,可防止患上炭疽病。

For anthrax to be an effective agent in biological warfare , it must be aerosolized into very small particles 要以炭疽病作為生物戰中的有效媒介,必須將之制成極細的霧化微粒。

Symptoms of pulmonary anthrax are very similar to the flu , which can make an initial diagnosis somewhat difficult 肺部炭疽熱的癥狀與流感很相似,所以由初期癥狀很難確診。

The iraqi regime has plotted to develop anthrax , and nerve gas , and nuclear weapons for over a decade 伊拉克政權已經陰謀地發展了炭蛆菌、神經毒氣和核武十年。

In california , a letter sent to sony pictures entertainment in culver city tested positive friday for anthrax 在加州,一封寄到索尼公司的信也攜帶炭疽病毒。

Chemical sensors turn a solution bright green if anthrax is present and then trigger an alarm 如果有炭疽,化學傳感器就會出現溶液變明綠色,接著就響鈴。

We uncovered an al qaeda cell developing anthrax to be used in attacks against america 我們發現一個“基地”分支組織妄圖通過傳播炭疽對美國發起供給。

We uncovered an al qaeda cell developing anthrax to be used in attacks against america 我們破獲了正在研制炭疽,以用于襲擊美國的一個“基地”組織。

Anthrax is very rare in hong kong . there was only one reported case in past 10 years 炭疽病在香港十分罕見,過去10年只有1宗呈報個案。

Anthrax organisms can cause infection in the skin , gastrointestinal tract , or the lungs 炭疽桿菌可引致皮膚、胃腸或肺部受感染。

What is anthrax 何謂炭疽病?

Anthrax organisms can cause infection in the skin , gastrointestinal tract , or the lungs 炭疽桿菌可引致皮膚胃腸或肺部受感染。

Fran _ blinebury : sure . and maybe they could get a few envelopes of anthrax , too 當然,或許他們還能收到一些裝炭疽病的信封呢!

Anthrax is an acute infectious disease caused by the bacterium bacillus anthracis 炭疽病是由炭疽桿菌引致的一種急性傳染病。

E - resources - anthrax 網上資源-炭疽病

About a counterstrike , we ' ll go to the scene of the anthrax scare in florida 我們現在來看看加州關于炭疽熱恐嚇的報道

How common is anthrax 炭疽病的發病率如何?

How is anthrax transmitted 炭疽病如何傳播?