
anthracene n.【化學】蒽。


In the paper quantitative analysis is done by high performance liquid chromatography to crude anthracene and the separated products , and the hplc conditions : inspected wavelengh : 254nm ; flow velocity : lml / g ; the volume ratio of the methanol / water solution : 81 / 19 ; and inspected temperature : room temperature 本文用高效液相色譜法( hplc )對粗蒽及分離以后的產物進行了定量分析, hplc的分析條件為:檢測波長: 254nm ;甲醇水溶液的體積比81 19 ;流速: 1ml g ;檢測溫度:室溫。

3 . the reaction of lanthanide powder with anthracene in the presence of ticl4 catalyst in tetrahydrofuran at 0 - 60 under normal pressure generated organolanthanide compounds , which are less thermal . it was found that the decomposition of the organolanthanide compounds in vacuum could give rise to lanthanide powder of nanometric size with high purity accordingly 3 .納米尺寸鑭系金屬粉末制備的研究溫和條件下,采用絡合催化法合成鑭系金屬有機化合物,利用它的熱不穩定性,在真空條件下進行熱分解來制備納米尺寸鑭系金屬粉末。

At 70c , dissolved time 60min , solvent ratio 125 : 50ml / g , the effect of benzene is best to separating phenanthrene of crude anthracene , phenanthrene content of crude anthracene is increased from 10 . 3 % to 41 . 7 % . at 120c , dissolved time 80min , the solvent ratio 75 : 30ml / g , the effect of dmf is best to separate carbazole from the compound of anthracene and carbazole , and in the high or common temperature when the compound is separated the solid content may be seen that anthracene content is almost . so , the common temperature is selected in the filtration of the experiment 苯在70 ’ c 、溶解時間60min 、溶劑比125 : 5oml / g ,對分離粗蔥中菲的效果最好,可以使粗蔥中菲的含量從10 . 3 %提到41 . 7 % 。 dmf在120 ’ c 、溶解時間somin 、溶劑比75 : 30ml / g時,對分離蔥和咔哇混合物中咔哇的效果最好,并且從高溫和低溫下分離后得到固體含量可以看出,在這兩個溫度下過濾得到蔥的含量差不多,因此,本實驗選擇在常溫下過濾。

In the paper the solubilities of anthracene , phenanthrene and carbazole are studied in benzene , toluene , xylene , the heavy solvent oil , clohexane , dmf , pyridine , cyclohexanone and acetone , and qualitative analysis is done by three aspects in the process of the solute dissolved the solvent : ( l ) the molecular struture and the interspace struture ; ( 2 ) reciprocity force of the intermolecule ; ( 3 ) the cohesion energy 本文考察了蒽、菲、咔唑在苯、甲苯、二甲苯、重溶劑油、環己烷、 dmf 、吡啶、環己酮和丙酮等有機溶劑中的溶解度。并從三個方面對溶劑溶解固體定性分析: ( 1 )分子結構及空間結構, ( 2 )分子之間相互作用力, ( 3 )內聚能,得到的結果與實驗得到的數據基本一致。

3 . in order to further improve the energy transfer efficiency and detective sensitivity , anthracene has been directly connected with porphyrin as a conjugate group , which greatly shorted the distance between both of these compounds 為了進一步提高能量轉移效率和檢測靈敏度,把蒽作為一個共軛基團直接連到卟啉環上,并首次把它作為傳感器的熒光載體應用于檢測劇毒物質對硝基苯胺。

According to the principle of energy transfer , an opto - chemical sensor with higher sensitivity to detect picric acid by using the mixture of porphyrin dimer and anthracene as fluorescent carrier has been developed 基于能量轉移原理,采用卟啉二聚體和蒽的混雜體系作為熒光載體研制了一種靈敏度更高的苦味酸光化學傳感器。

Xinhua learned from the traffic police department , and equipment and 20 tons of anthracene oil tanker in motion puncture rollover , the co - pilot was not injured , only drivers foot sprain 記者從交警部門了解到,裝了20噸蒽油的罐車在行駛中爆胎側翻,副駕駛沒有受傷,只有司機腳部扭傷。

As toxic anthracene oil , in order to avoid the possibility of secondary accidents , the relevant departments of the shenyang - dalian highway blockade anshan haicheng section of the south 由于蒽油有毒,為避免可能發生的二次事故,相關部門封鎖了沈大高速公路鞍山南至海城一段。

At the same time the difference of the solubility to the isomeric compound anthracene and phenanthrene in the different solvents is discussed by the aspect of the activity coefficient 同時,還對蒽、菲同分異構體在不同溶劑中的溶解度的差異,從活度系數方面進行了探討。

Producer of chemicals derived from coal tar , located in china . products include derivatives of naphthalene , anthracene , phenanthrene , and fluorene -生產銷售乙醛酸乙二醛醇脂- 12草酸等有機化工品,包括公司簡介產品介紹等

Coal chemical producer in china , offering metallurgical and foundry coke , benzene and derivatives , naphthalene , asphalt , and anthracene oil -生產氯乙酸,對氨基苯乙酮,氯乙酸母液,鹽酸等,包括公司簡介產品介紹等

Aromatic rings can be joined at a pair of adjacent carbons to yield compounds such as naphthalene , anthracene and chrysene < uk >芳環能在一對相鄰碳上結合,生成萘、葸和等化合物。 < / uk >

Aromatic rings can be joined at a pair of adjacent carbons to yield compounds such as naphthalene , anthracene and chrysene 芳環能在一對相鄰碳上結合,生成萘、葸和?等化合物。

Degradation and survival of genetic recombination microorganisms in anthracene - contaminated soil and water 降解蒽遺傳重組菌在蒽污染環境中的降解和存活能力研究

Effect of starvation inducement on surviving ability and degrading ability of anthracene - degrading bacteria 饑餓誘導對蒽降解菌降解能力和存活能力影響研究

Study on effects of cyclodextirns on the photolysis of anthracene in aqueous solutions by fluorimetry 熒光分析法研究環糊精對蒽在水溶液中光降解的影響

Workplace air . determination of anthracene and phenathrene . high performance liquid chromatographic method 作業場所空氣中蒽和菲的高效液相色譜測定方法

Simultaneous determination of dissolved anthracene and pyrene in an aqueous solution by synchronous fluorimetry 同步熒光法同時測定水溶解態的蒽和芘

Effects of cyclodextrins on the photolysis of dissolved anthracene by fluorimetry 熒光分析法研究環糊精對溶解態蒽光降解的影響