
anthozoa n.〔pl.〕【動物;動物學】珊瑚蟲綱。


Actually , the term coral is much broader and refers to most of the animals in the class anthozoa and a few animals in the class hydrozoa of the phylum cnidaria 其實珊瑚一詞所指的動物甚多,包括大多數屬珊瑚蟲綱及數動屬水螅蟲綱的刺胞動物。珊瑚是固著的動物,不能移動。

Species diversity and distribution of gorgonian cnidaria : anthozoa : octocoral in xiamen bay and dongshan bay , fujian 福建廈門灣和東山灣海域柳珊瑚的物種多樣性及其分布

Phylogenetic relationships with the gorgonian cndaria : anthozoa : octocorallia based on 18s rdna sequences 探討柳珊瑚分子系統發育關系