
anthony n.安東尼〔男子名〕。 St. Anthony 圣安東尼...

“stay here,“ anthony said, indicating his office . “就在這吧,”安東尼指著他的辦公室說。

anthony pig

You too anthony , off you go , good lads 你也去,安東尼,去幫忙,好孩子

Singer name : anthony lun hong kong various artists jeff chang 藝人名稱:王晶元華應采兒

Guy doesn ' t know i ' m here , mr . anthony 蓋伊并不知道我在這,安東尼先生

Anthony accused cleo of stealing his money 安東尼指控克莉奧偷了他的錢。

Robert anthony eden , 1st earl of avon 羅伯特安東尼艾登,第一代亞芬伯爵

Cast : ti lung , anthony lau wing , wang ping , 演員:狄劉永汪萍谷峰王萊

Anthony , it sounds like they don ' t trust me Anthony ,看來他們并不信任我

If little anthony stole it , then he ' s got it 如果是anthony偷得,那么錢不是在他那兒么

Anthony : why not ? she ' s really pretty 安東尼:為什么不行?她真的很正點。

Anthony told me it was life and death , boss Anthony告訴我是生與死,老板

I ' m meeting that dean from st . anthony ' s , mckaye . . 我今天要去見圣安東尼學院的校長. .

And susan . b . anthony fought for women ' s rights 蘇珊安東妮曾經為女權主義運動做出貢獻。

Oh , that ' s anthony ' s . that must go upstairs and 哦,這是安東尼的,這個要放到樓上去

Bauhinian rhapsody : hkpo vs anthony wong live 港樂vs黃耀明電幻狂想曲音樂會

Put it out , get anthony and stash him somewhere 放下它,找anthony把他藏到什么地方

Anthony wanted to go into the party by himself 不,不,我自己找就可以了。

And i know how mad he gets when i call him anthony 當我叫他安東尼時,我知道他會發狂

Group discussion summaries group 3 : mr wong luen - kin , anthony 第三組主持:黃鑾堅先生