
anthology n.(詩、文、曲、畫等)選集。

In 1997 , won a honor to be listed in “ anthology of world excellent patent technologies “ china part 97年被香港新華通訊出版社編入“世界優秀專利技術精選“中國卷。

Anthology “ possum or pretend to sleep “ friend : prices is bullish index 99 選“裝死或假裝睡覺”的朋友:行情看漲指數99 。

Anthology “ beg them to put them to go “ friend : prices is bullish index 20 選“求他們放自己走”的朋友:行情看漲指數20 。

Anthology “ think method runs away “ friend : prices is bullish index 55 選“想辦法逃走”的朋友:行情看漲指數55 。


Liu is also the editor of word of mouth : an anthology of gay american poetry ( talisman house , 2000 ) 他的新書, 《你為凡塵》即將由南伊利諾大學出版社于2005年秋季出版。

In 1997 , won a honor to be listed in “ anthology of world excellent patent technologies “ china part 97年被香港新華通訊出版社編入“世界優秀專利技術精選“中國卷。

His stories are found in a certain number of anthologies in spanish , english and other languages 許多以西班牙語、英語及其他語言出版的短篇小說集都收錄了他的作品。

This paper focuses on the different formations of the disyllabic words in you ming lu , an anthology in nan dynasty 摘要南朝小說《幽明錄》的復音詞有多種構詞方式。

This section says that zheng gu himself once compiled yun - tai anthology which included many of his poems 鄭谷自《云臺編》后的詩作輯入《宜陽外編》 。

It is the very fountainhead of chinese poetry and also the earliest anthology of chinese poems 《詩經》是中國詩歌的源頭,是中國的第一部詩歌總集。

This section formulates zheng gu ’ s anthology editions one by one . ( 1 ) eighteen poets ’ anthology edition 6 、李之楨刻本。今存唯一的五卷本。

On the morals function viewpiont about opera of the anthology of traditonal opera in ming and qing dynasty 論明清戲曲選本的戲曲風化觀

In kabir s anthology of poems , there are many beautiful ones about the quan yin method 他的詩集中很多首都是講修觀音法門,好漂亮喔!

Anthology “ possum or pretend to sleep “ friend : prices is bullish index 99 選“裝死或假裝睡覺”的朋友:行情看漲指數99 。

Anthology “ beg them to put them to go “ friend : prices is bullish index 20 選“求他們放自己走”的朋友:行情看漲指數20 。

My poems have appeared in over ninety poetry anthologies published in taiwan and china 我的作品被收入九十多種不同語言的詩選。

Because people want you to write more , and you ' re publishing this anthology 因為人們希望你寫得更多,而且你又在發行這本選集。

On the theoretical problems of several important poetry anthologies and their evaluation 若干重要詩集創作與評價上的理論問題

About prose and poetic pieces mistaken as authored by yan yanzhi in reference books and anthologies 總集誤收顏延之詩文辨正