
anthodium n.(pl. -dia ) 【植物;植物學】集合花。


The six domestic standards for furnace transformer industry are all drawn up taking our company as main , as arc furnace transformers jb t9640 - 1999 , sub arc furnace transformers - general jb t5344 . 1 - 2004 , specification and technical requirement for calcium carbide furnace transformers jb t6303 - 2004 , specification and technical requirements for yellow phosphorus furnace transformers jb t8506 - 2005 , electroslay remelting furnace transformers jb t8447 - 2005 , ladle refining furnace transformers jb t10429 - 2004 , etc . the rectifier transformers for chemical engineering and metal - lurgy enterprises also received high value from users and have been exported to vietnam . nowadays , our company is cooperating with italian danieli company on technology and business , that is , our products will be sold to ukraine and burma through anthodium of danieli , and relevant technology cooperation is being negotiated now 公司主要產品分為電力變壓器電爐變壓器整流變壓器電抗器四大類,具備年產各種變壓器6000mva的生產能力。其中發電機變壓器單臺最大規模為240mva 220kv ,變電所變壓器為180mva 220kv ,電爐變壓器120mva 110kv ,整流變壓器為100mv 220kv ,電抗器為3000kvar 220kv 。新s9系列配電變壓器和220kv級電力變壓器均通過了國家電力公司和國家機械工業局的聯合鑒定。