
anthocyanin n.【化學】花青苷,花色苷。

Glucose “ s content was more abundant than that of fructose , sucrose and maltose in tuberous root and leaf tissues of the two cultivars , but there were no obvious correlations between glucose accumulation and anthocyanin biosynthesis 2 ,兩品種肉質根及葉片等各組織的中葡萄糖的含量較果糖、蔗糖和麥芽糖的含量高,但葡萄糖的積累與花青素形成之間無明顯相關性。

The expression quantity of as gene was correlated with synthesis quantity of anthocyanin . the expression of as gene was induced by light in light - dependent “ tsuda “ turnip As基因的表達量與花青素的合成量相關,且在光敏感型津田蕪菁中, as基因的表達受光誘導。

There was almost no anthocyanin synthesized in light - interrupted cortex tissue of tuberous root of light - independent “ tsuda “ turnip . 2 而光敏感型的津田蕪菁肉質根周皮中,只有光處理有大量花青素合成,暗處理幾乎無花青素合成。

Culture conditions for callus induction and anthocyanin accumulation of celosia cristata “ phumosa “ were studied in this paper 本文研究了穗冠花celosiacristata ( phumosa )愈傷組織誘導和影響愈傷組織生長及花色素苷積累的培養條件。


Early stage shading nearly did not significantly affect anthocyanin biosynthesis in black curant fruits . middle stage shading accelerated anthocyanin accumulation in certain degree , but late stage shading inhibited anthocyanin accumulation 早期遮光對黑穗醋栗果實花青苷合成無明顯影響,中期遮光可在一定程度上促進花青苷積累;后期遮光則對花青苷積累有限制作用。

Sucrose of 90g / l in the medium could produce more anthocynin but inhibited callus growth . when the medium containing 30mmol / l nitrogen callus growth and pigmenting appeared better . higher concentration of nitrogen increased more anthocyanin but inhibited callus growth 培養基中的總含氮量以30mmol幾為宜,濃度大時促進花色素芳的積累,但對愈傷組織的生長不利。

Glucose “ s content was more abundant than that of fructose , sucrose and maltose in tuberous root and leaf tissues of the two cultivars , but there were no obvious correlations between glucose accumulation and anthocyanin biosynthesis 2 ,兩品種肉質根及葉片等各組織的中葡萄糖的含量較果糖、蔗糖和麥芽糖的含量高,但葡萄糖的積累與花青素形成之間無明顯相關性。

Flavonoid - 3 ' , 5 ' - hydroxylase ( f3 ' , 5 ' h ) corresponding to the genetic loci hfl and hf2 , a member of the cytochrome p450 family , is the key enzyme in the anthocyanin biosynthesis , which is generally required for blue or purple flowers 本研究以紫藍色矮牽牛基因組dna為模板,利用pcr技術獲得了兩個擴增產物,分別將其克隆至pgem - teasyvector上,進行了全序列分析。

The physiological functions of some natural pigments were reviewed , some natural pigments such as carotenoid , xanthophylls , flavanones and anthocyanin were introduced on antioxidant activities , antibacterial activities and health protection 綜述了中藥色素的藥理作用,對類胡蘿卜素、黃酮類、花色苷類等色素的抗氧化活性、抗菌活性及保健功能作了簡要介紹。

4 effects of light quality and kt on anthocyanin accumulation 2 - d - old wl grown seedlings were irradiated with continuous wl , rl , fr , bl and uv - b , respectively , for 3 d and the accumulation of anthocyanin was detected 四、光質和kt對花色素苷積累的作用白光、藍光、紫外光b 、紅光和遠紅光等不同光質處理2天齡白光下生長的幼繭, 3天后測定花色素昔含量。

The leaves isolated from the seedlings showed an increase in the anthocyanin content . the bl response was fluence dependent and the anthocyanin content increased with the irradiating time under the same fluence rate 藍光誘導花色素苷積累的作用具有對光強的依賴性,隨著光強的升高,其花色素苷的含量增加;同一光強下照光時間延長,含量增加。

Jsa10 was subcultured and the effect of plant growth regulators on callus growth and anthocyanin production was examined . 2 , 4 - do . 2 + ba1 - 2 , 2 , 4 - d0 . 2 + kt5 , naa2 + ba1 were suitable and the best combination was 2 , 4 - do . 2 + ba2 在試驗的10種基本培養基中, ms 、 bs 、 ls三種培養基適合穗冠花愈傷組織生長和花色素昔的積累,其中ls最好。

The content of anthocyanin and main sugars ( fructose , glucose , sucrose and maltose ) in the light - exposed and light - interrupted samples of the two turnip cultivars were analyzed by hplc 另外,利用hplc液相分析系統,對兩品種的光處理和暗處理樣品中花青素和主要糖分(果糖、葡萄糖、蔗糖和麥芽糖)的含量進行了檢測分析。

Anthocyanin content in hy4 mutant was lower than that in wt arabidopsis after bl treatment and it was demonstrated that cryptochrome 1 ( cry1 ) mediated the bl response in anthocyanin accumulation 藍光處理后, hy4葉片的花色素苷含量明顯低于wt中的花色素苷含量,說明cry1是藍光誘導花色素苷積累的主要光受體。

Due to the abnormal anthocyanin accumulation , the purple spotted pigmentation was observed in the immature seed coats . in the wide type plants , the normal immature seeds were pale green 由于花青苷的異常積累,突變體未成熟種子的種皮呈現紫紅色的斑點;野生型植株幼嫩的種皮沒有花青苷的異常積累,呈淡綠色。

The induction rate , callus growth and anthocyanin accumulation of different explants isolated from the seedings in different age were compared for the selecting of rapid - growing and steadily - anthocyanin - accumulating lines 比較了來自不同苗齡的不同外植體愈傷組織誘導率、愈傷組織生長量及花色素苷含量。

When the fruits matured anthocyanin content of black currant was highest , that of red currant was subsequence , that of white currant was extrme low . while anthocyanin of black currant fruits rapid accummlating 果實成熟時,黑穗醋栗花青苷含量最高,紅穗醋栗花青苷含量次之,白穗醋栗花青苷含量極低。

The ast ( anthocyanin spotted testa ) mutant , which was induced by carbon ion beam , was a single recessive gene mutant of arabidopsis thaliana and involved in the anthocyanin biosynthesis 擬南芥ast ( anthocyaninspottedtesta )突變體是由碳離子束誘導產生的與花青苷生物合成有關的突變體,受單隱性核基因控制。

The genes encoding enzymes that are needed during the anthocyanin synthesis are conservative in many higher flowering plants , especially among plants that have near relative 在許多高等開花植物中,尤其是在進化上親緣關系比較近的物種,花青素合成各步驟所需酶的結構基因高度保守。