
anthesis n.開花;開花期。

Kapok flower is also called “ hero flower “ , it ' s the municipal flower of guangzhou . now it ' s the right anthesis , red dots sprinkle everywhere 木棉花也被稱之為英雄花,是廣州市市花。現在正是木棉花開的季節,到處都被紅點點綴著。


The results showed that the activity of pal in leaves was higher than in other organs in the stage of seedling , strong sprout and anthesis . the difference is highly significant in organs in vegetative growth . the content of isoflavones and pal activity in leaves both increased by degress , but they decreased progressively in stems , and little increase or decrease in roots from seedling to strong sprout to anthesis 大豆界黃酮代謝機理的研究指要結實前的營養生長期苯丙氨酸解氨酶在組織中的活性變化表明,在幼苗期、壯苗期和盛花期,葉片中pal的活性都遠高于其它組織,依次為葉莖根,這種差異在結實前各時期表現極明顯。

Before anthesis wall of egg apparatus is complete ; most part of egg wall at the chalazal end disappears at the day of anthesis ; after frtilization ( 20h after pollinating ) egg wall becomes intact . the results suggest that rebuilding of wall is one of the early cytological events during fertilization 結果表明,開花前藍豬耳的卵細胞的胞壁是完整的;開花時胚囊已發育成熟,此時卵細胞在合點端部分區域是裸的;受精后(大約授粉后20小時)卵細胞的胞壁恢復完整。

The result indicates that key stages include the growth stage of late autumn treetop 、 bud differentiation stage and anthesis stage , and that key climate factors are temperature , precipitation , rainfall days and sunlight time 結果表明:氣候條件影響廣西地區龍眼產量的關鍵時期為晚秋梢生長期、花芽分化期和開花座果期,關鍵氣候因子分別為氣溫、雨量、雨日和日照時數。

For edible chrysanthemum , flower yield was compared between the two varieties , japanese summer chrysanthemum no . 1 and japanese summer chrysanthemum no . 2 , and factors affecting yield and anthesis studied ( 2 )以食用菊花日本夏菊1號和日本夏菊2號為材料,對品種間的產花量差異及定植密度和定植期對產量和花期的影響進行了試驗研究。

Kapok flower is also called “ hero flower “ , it ' s the municipal flower of guangzhou . now it ' s the right anthesis , red dots sprinkle everywhere 木棉花也被稱之為英雄花,是廣州市市花。現在正是木棉花開的季節,到處都被紅點點綴著。

Distribution of photoassimilate to different parts of wheat ear after anthesis and its relation to kernel weight per ear 小麥開花后光合物質在不同穗位間的分配及其與穗粒重的關系

Charactreristic of tissue structures of stem and leaf in k - type hybrid wheat and its parents after anthesis 型雜交小麥901及親本花后莖葉組織結構特征研究

Effects of plant regulator z - s on photosynthesis after anthesis and yield of dry - land rice 始穗后弱光對水稻干物質積累與產量的影響

14c assimilate distribution and accumulation of hybrid spring wheat during fore - anthesis 同化物分配與累積研究

Conelet-drop is at a maximum when shoot extension occurs at a time close to anthesis . 在接近開花而營養枝又在伸長時,球花早落的數量達到最多。

In peas there is an initial deposition of materials in the endosperm following anthesis . 豌豆中緊隨開花期之后胚乳開始有物質積累。