
anthem adj.1.圣歌,贊歌。2.國歌。3.校歌。短語和例子a...

“ the marseillaise “ is the national anthem of france “馬賽進行曲“是法國國歌。


The national anthem goes like this . . 國歌是這樣唱的. .

Don ' t you know ? sing the school anthem 你不知道?唱校歌

Before tonight ' s national anthem . . 在今晚的比賽開始之前

Celebration began with nation anthem 慶典開始時先奏國歌。

Asian anthem lyrics and sheet music 亞洲各國國歌歌詞與樂譜

I get excited whenever i hear the playing of our national anthem 每當我聽到我們國歌的演奏都很激動。

What song is canada ' s national anthem 加拿大的國歌是什麼?

The ceremony was brought to a close by the singing of the national anthem 典禮在國歌的歌聲中結束

African anthem lyrics and sheet music 非洲各國國歌歌詞與樂譜

What song is canada ' s national anthem 哪一首是加拿大的國歌

European anthem lyrics and sheet music 歐洲各國國歌歌詞與樂譜

I get excited whenever i hear the playing of our national anthem 每當我聽到我們國歌的演奏都很激動

Q : what song is canada ' s national anthem 哪一首是加拿大的國歌

I can ' t even remember the national anthem 我甚至快不記得國歌了

The organ boomed out the national anthem 風琴轟隆隆地奏出國歌。

Nationalism embodied in the national anthem 試論東帝汶民族的形成

Anthems are used in religious services 圣歌常常在宗教禮拜時演唱。

Assemblies start with the national anthem . lt ' s the same 集會從唱圣歌開始,這是同樣的道理