
antetype n.前型,原型。


In low level , study the structure of arithmetic , the problems that may appear in real application and effect of arithmetic such as yawp and error check elimination , dealing synchronously with multi moving body , reducing the data needed disposal with reason . in high lever , based on knowledge of artificial intelligence and research in this field , bring forward identification way based on rule . what ' s more , build an extendable antetype of intelligence supervision and control system and realize some simple check and identification function that is the basement of further research 本文研究了基本的智能監控系統應具備功能的軟件算法,在低層處理算法方面,研究了算法的結構,并針對實際應用中可能出現的問題及算法的時效性等方面進行研究,如對噪聲、錯誤檢測的排除、多運動對象的同時處理及合理縮減需處理的信息量等;高層算法方面,基于人工智能的知識和國外該方面的研究,提出了基于規則的事件識別方法;此外,還建立了可擴展的智能監控原型系統,實現了一些簡單的檢測識別功能,可作為未來的更深入的研究開發的基礎;最后本文對原型系統今后如何發展為更為完善和強大的智能場景監控系統提出了若干建議。

The key factors to make the slide is controlled to make the model be similar in geometry , material and fabric with the antetype , then simulate the infection of river , digging of road and so on , measure the data of the distortion of model , analyze the reason of the distortion and factors of the slide 試驗抓住造成滑坡的主要因素,根據所得的巖石力學參數及結構面參數,在幾何條件、模型材料、結構面條件等方面都基本滿足相似原理的情況下,對模型進行了河流下切、公路開挖等條件的模擬,測量觀察邊坡的卸荷回彈與層面的彎曲變形情況,利用所側數據分析論證滑坡的形成機制和影響因素。

This paper get across the application researching of the business assistant decision support system base on rsda , build the rsda model , and improve on the some old arithmetic of rsda to adapt the characteristic of business data . finally , amend the rosetta souce code , then debug and implement antetype system of business assistant decision support system base on rsda , and use the data of experiment to validate the advantage of the improved arithmetic 本文通過基于粗糙集數據分析的商業輔助決策支持系統的應用研究,建立粗糙集數據分析模塊,并利用一些已有的粗糙集數據分析算法,進行改進以進一步適應于商業數據的特點。最后通過在vc + +中對rosetta源碼進行修改,編譯實現了基于粗糙集數據分析的商業輔助決策支持系統的原型系統,并通過實驗數據,進一步驗證了改進后算法的優點。

Based on the study of the theory of error inspection and the technology of actual form inspection , author proposed that apply reverse engineering to the digital inspection of door plate . based on reverse engineering , establish exactly surface matching , compare a stamping part with antetype in surfacer interface , to inspect the quality of stamping part , statistic analysis the inspection data , find the ultimate reason of quality fluctuate appeared 本文在對誤差檢測理論及現行形位誤差檢測技術進行深入分析的基礎上,提出了將逆向工程應用于轎車門板的數字化檢測的方法,通過建立精確的曲面匹配,將原型件與沖壓件在逆向工程軟件surfacer中進行形位誤差比較,檢測產品制造質量。

Based on the above - mentioned analysis and research work , and according to design the antetype function , and put testing on the testing environment thus to build the user model for the whole equipment maintenance system and effectively get conclusion on the task purpose of user in respective classic working scene 2 、在上述分析和調研工作的基礎上,通過設計原型功能,在自有的實驗環境中進行實用實驗,從而建立整個設備維護輔助系統相應的用戶模型,能有效的歸納出用戶在各種典型作業場景下的任務意圖。

Research the horror element antetype system of chinese myth in hunan territory on chin and han dynasty , and use the mature myth antetype system of western to analyse the projection on the eastern mentality by the horror antetype of eastern jin 研究中國古代神話中(以秦漢時期湖湘地區的神話為主)恐懼元素的原型系統結構,以西方成熟的神話原型系統分析東方神靈中的恐懼原型在東方藝術哲學心理上的投影。

The principle of misuse detection is analysed , on the basis of which the correlation techniques are introduced . the construction of misuse detection system is illuminated . the paper mainly designed and realized an antetype system of misuse and detection 分析比較了基于主機的誤用行為檢測技術和基于網絡的誤用行為檢測技術的特點,詳細說明了誤用行為檢測方法的原理和技術。

Through above improvement with perfect on antetype equipment foundation have made nmp - i type metal nanometer particle preparation installation , so to have established material foundation for prepare metal and alloy nanometer particle 通過以上的改進和完善在原型設備基礎上制作了nmp一型金屬納米微粒制備裝置,從而為制備金屬與合金納米微粒奠定了物質基礎。

In this thesis the design of a watch and control software system in intelligent building is mainly analysed , and in the base of this realized a antetype that is based on internet 本論文主要論述了面向智能建筑領域的上位機監控軟件的設計思想和實現方法,并在此基礎上實現了一個基于因特網的智能建筑系統監控軟件原型。

In the end , i implement antetype system of business assistant decision support system base on rsda , the characteristics of system are summarized , and further improved assumption towards the model is suggested 論文最后,實現了整個商業輔助決策支持的原型系統,總結了系統的特色,并對下一步工作進行了展望。

In this paper , the discussion is mainly focused on the following four aspects : 1 . use the rsda model to build business assistant decision support system , and implement antetype system 本文著重從以下幾個方面進行了研究: 1 、采用粗糙集數據分析模塊來建立商業輔助決策支持系統,開發原型系統。

This paper srudyed the structure , implementation technology and application of hierarchic network monitor system based on web , based on the study the author has implemented an antetype system 本論文對基于web的層次式網絡監視系統的結構、實現技術及應用進行了研究,并實現了一個原型系統。

The love between human and genie is the antetype of chinese traditional literature , which expresses a kind of psychology of male ' s infatuation and fear to female in the society 摘要“人妖之戀”是中國傳統文學原型,它表現了男權社會中男性對于女性的一種既崇拜癡迷又恐懼忌諱的心理。

This article mainly deals with the third measurement of the system of space morphology - space sequence , and the antetype of qualitative description of which is established as well 本文主要討論建筑空間形式系統的第三個基本考量? ?空間序列,在此過程中確立對其進行定性描述的基本模式。