
anteroom n.接待室,休息室,前室。

The guest room plants classic , such as luxurious between anteroom , commercial anteroom , during luxurious standard , commercial standard , during ordinary standard , commercial one - roomed , female ovary , lover , chess sign room , three worlds fang xinggong and so on visits 58 between ; the cafeteria may simultaneously allow the line 00 people to go to eat ; size conference room four , may supply 200 people to hold a meeting ; the entertainment facility has the ping pong room , the chess sign room , ktv and so on many entertainment facility 客房種類分豪華套房商務套房豪華標準間商務標準間普通標準間商務單間母子房情侶間棋牌房三人間等房型共計158間套餐飲部可同時容納500人就餐大小會議室四個,可供200人開會娛樂設施有乒乓球室棋牌室ktv等多項娛樂設施。酒店客房按落地或飄窗形式衛生間采用透空式落地玻璃客房色調采用淡雅溫馨的設計風格床上用品按五星級棉織品配置席夢思2 . 1m 2m 2m 1 . 2m兩種酒店按四星級標準建造設計

The hotel has after designs devotedly , the elegant pleasant guest room and the anteroom , provide the high tech the commerce , the entertainment system wide band connection , language mailbox , international long - distance direct dialing telephone , international satellite tv channel and so on as well as the upscale comfortable furniture and the health bath facility , with ease causes the commercial passenger to be joyful , takes vacation the passenger comfortablely to ramble 酒店擁有經悉心設計,典雅宜人的客房和套房,均配備高科技的商務娛樂系統寬帶接口語言信箱國際長途直撥電話國際衛星電視頻道等以及高檔舒適的家具和衛浴設施,使商務旅客輕松愉悅,度假旅客自在逍遙。

The exquisite single room alone flavor , private densely lived alone for you has provided the appropriate place ; the warm standard room size is moderate , is you relaxes the exhausted body and mind the best choice ; the elegant commercial anteroom function is distinct , rests the area with to receive callers the area to perform its own functions , awaits respectfully you as necessary the infinite opportunity ; also has suits the family to go on a journey extremely the use three human of room 精巧的單人房獨具韻味,為您私密獨處提供了合適的場所溫馨的標準房大小適中,是您放松疲憊身心的最佳選擇典雅的商務套房功能分明,休憩區與會客區各司其職,隨時恭候您的無限商機還有非常適合家庭出行使用的三人房。規格全的房型會使出門在外的您有回家的感覺。

Suddenly , however , there was an outburst of noise . a band of eleven young men had arrived and were laughing loudly in the anteroom and crowding to the drawing room . they had just come from the ball at the ministry of the interior and were in evening dress and wore various unknown orders 有十一個青年人結伴而來,他們到候見廳時就放聲大笑,到了客廳門口時又互相推推搡搡他們剛剛參加了內務部的舞會,每人穿著晚禮服,戴著白領帶,衣服上佩戴著一串大家都不認識的十字勛章。

The hotel entruststhe american marriott international , inc rings to manage , has 9multi - purpose convention centers , 300 upscale luxurious guest rooms ( 227 luxurious , 51 administrative room , 16 suites , 5apartments room , 1 president anteroom ) , is equipped with the affectivetone to be romantic , style complete reserving a room with ktv , thesauna , the beauty shop , in the room the constant temperature swimmingpool , the healthy body club and so on , actually ties the friendcompletely amusement place of the ideal 酒店委托美國萬豪國際集團管理,擁有9個多功能會議中心、 300間高檔豪華客房( 227間豪華間、 51間行政房、 16間高級套房、 5間公寓房、 1間總統套房) ,設有情調浪漫、風格齊全的包房和ktv 、桑拿、美容院,室內恒溫游泳池、健身俱樂部等,實為結友盡娛的理想之地。

According to two experts , unrelated family housing , our proximity to a hill , the hill itself can play a role reflector , when the distance is ringing , this incident to the mountain , then the mountain have a reflection of its housing is open , for the hills , but this space no block is the same , or when the mountain forests exist inside some of the sound source , after voice will pass this chamber , and then through the wall on both sides of the office ( reflection ) , in the anteroom to spread 根據兩位專家分析,小鄭家的房屋,背靠著一座山,山本身就可以起一個反射面的作用,當遠處有響,入射到這個山體的時候,那么這個山體產生反射,其房屋后廳是完全開敞的,面向這個山體,而且此空間是沒有任何遮擋,是相通的,當山體或者山林里面有些聲源存在,聲音就會通過這個后廳,然后通過廳兩側的墻體(反射)后,在傳到前廳來。

She estimated the situation at a glance ; the creditors would swoop down on her anteroom , would mix themselves up with her love affairs and threaten to sell her little all unless she continued to act sensibly . then , too , there would be no end of disputes and carking anxieties if she attempted to save her furniture from their clutches 現在她對自己的前景一下看得清清楚楚了:債主們就要涌進她的候見廳里,他們甚至會干涉他們的愛情,并揚言拍賣她的一切,如果她不聽從他們的安排的話為了讓他們給她留下四件家具,必須要同他們沒完沒了地爭吵,直到吵得頭昏腦脹。

Albert found in his anteroom two guns , with all the accoutrements for hunting ; a lofty room on the ground - floor containing all the ingenious instruments the english - eminent in piscatory pursuits , since they are patient and sluggish - have invented for fishing 在樓下的另一個房間里,藏著英國人英國人使用的種種巧妙的漁具,他們都是好漁夫,因為耐心所以還不曾勸服因循度日的法國漁夫采用。

Meanwhile , morrel had traversed the anteroom and found the staircase , which , being carpeted , prevented his approach being heard , and he had regained that degree of confidence that the presence of m . de villefort even would not have alarmed him 這當兒,莫雷爾已越過前廳,走上樓梯,樓梯上鋪著地毯,所以他的腳步聲不會被人聽見,而且,他意氣激揚,即使維爾福先生出現,他也不怕。

While the banker was waiting in the anteroom , the door opened , and a man dressed as an abb and doubtless more familiar with the house than he was , came in and instead of waiting , merely bowed , passed on to the farther apartments , and disappeared 在等候的期間,門開了,走進來一個穿長衣的神甫,那個人無疑比他更熟悉主人,他沒有等,只是鞠了一躬,就繼續向里面的房間走去。

The frenchman entered , leaving in the anteroom his guide , who immediately entered into conversation with two or three of the industrious idlers who are always to be found in rome at the doors of banking - houses , churches , museums , or theatres 在羅馬的銀行教堂廢墟博物館和劇院門口,總是有這些職業閑漢在那兒的,跟蹤法國人的那個家伙也走進銀行。

It was a creditor in the shape of the man of whom she jobbed her carriages . he had settled himself on the bench in the anteroom , and the fellow was free to twiddle his thumbs till night - there wasn t the least hurry now 來人是債主馬車出租人他一來便一屁股坐在候見廳里的一條長凳上,這個人能在那里啥也不干,一直坐到天黑,一點也不著急。

S made no reply ; he made a sign with his head , went into the anteroom , and seated himself . morrel fell back in his chair , his eyes fixed on the clock ; there were seven minutes left , that was all 柯克萊斯沒有回答,他只是點了點頭,走進前廳里,坐了下來,莫雷爾倒入他的椅子里,眼睛盯在鐘表上,現在還剩七分鐘,只有七分鐘了。

“ on the first story , do you see , there is the anteroom and the drawing - room ; to the right of the drawing - room , a library and a study ; to the left , a bedroom and a dressing - room “二樓上,你看,這是候見室和客廳,客廳的右面,一間藏書室和一間書房,左面,一間臥室和一間更衣室。那只值得注意的寫字臺就在更衣室里。 ”

Morrel opened the door , and closed it behind his son ; then , crossing the anteroom , went to his desk on which he placed the pistols , and pointed with his finger to an open ledger 莫雷爾打開門,等他的兒子進來以后就把門關上了,然后,穿過前廳,走到他的寫字臺前,把手槍放在上面,手指一本攤開的帳簿。

Suddenly the roar of a harsh voice was heard through the door , and the officer , with a white face and trembling lips , came out , and clutching at his head , crossed the anteroom 忽然從門后傳來令人生厭的時斷時續的說話聲,這個軍官臉色蒼白,雙唇顫抖著,從那里走了出來,抱住頭從接待室走過去了。

The car sells an exhibition hall 600 square metre , repair shop works 1900 square metre , maintenance is recieved reach anteroom 225 square metre , park type parking lot 1000 square metre 汽車銷售展廳600平方米,維修車間作業1900平方米,維修接待及休息室225平方米,公園式停車場1000平方米。

With that there came from the anteroom a sound of laughter and whispering and a burst of merry , chattering voices , which sounded as if a runaway convent were on the premises 候見廳里傳來了笑聲竊竊私語聲和一陣陣快樂談話聲,好像一所修道院女子寄宿學校的女生都逃到了那里。

Notwithstanding which , the old ladies laughed between two of their tricks when they heard her describe the looks of the creditors in the anteroom after the flowers had arrived 兩位太太在兩局牌之間,聽著佐愛講到花送來后,那些坐在候見廳里的債主們的表情時,個個都笑起來。

This was the name by which kotchubey spoke of araktcheev with that vague note of jeering in his voice which prince andrey had noticed in the anteroom of the minister of war “ mon cher ,甚至在這件事情上,您也不能不牽涉到米哈伊爾米哈伊洛維奇斯佩蘭斯基的名字和父稱。