
anterior adj.(opp. posterior)1.以前的,先前...


The treatment of odontoid fractures with anterior compression - screw fixation 頸前路加壓螺釘固定治療齒狀突骨折

Treatment of cervical anterior - chest pain with manipulation and movable cupping 整脊配合推罐治療頸源性前胸痛

Correction of adult anterior teeth using segmental arch technique 片斷弓技術矯治成人前牙散在間隙并修復的體會

Treatment of acute anterior shoulder dislocation with traction reduction 上舉牽引整復法治療急性肩關節前脫位

Anterior pituitary gonadotrophin 垂體前葉促性腺激素

Restoration of subgingival residual roots of anterior teeth and bicuspid 前牙和前磨牙齦下殘根修復37例報告

Anterior correction of idiopathic scoliosis using the kass - dual rod system 系統前路矯正治療特發性脊柱側凸

Anterior approaches in spinal surgery 脊柱前路手術入路

Ventral is equivalent to anterior 腹側與前面意義相等。

Anterior ( ventral , front ) nearer to the front of the body is anterior 前(腹側,前面)靠近身體正面為前。

Effect of cervical anterior surgery for cervical spondylotic myelopathy 脊髓型頸椎病前路手術療效分析

Management of odontoid fracture with single - screw anterior fixation 齒狀突螺釘加壓固定治療齒狀突骨折

Left anterior descending coronary artery , lad 值和左前降支

Indications of anterior spinal surgery 脊柱前路手術的適應證

Anterior membranous dystrophy of cornea 角膜前部膜狀營養不良

Analysis and application of anterior cervical plate systems 頸椎前路內固定鋼板系統的結構分析與應用

Situated anterior to the frontal bone 前額骨的位于額骨前部的

Analysis and diagnosis of the anterior knee pain under arthroscopy 膝前痛的關節鏡下病因分析及診斷

The treatment of dontoid fractures with anterior screw fixation 頸前路螺絲釘內固定治療齒狀突骨折