
antemortem adj.〔拉丁語〕死前的。 an antemortem ...


And professors from jilin university and sichuan agricultural university trained the participants on the duties of meat inspectors , principles of antemortem and postmortem inspection , fundamentals of livestock and poultry inspection , inspection and disposal of pathologically changed meat and meat with chemical residues as well as relevant contents in the meat hygiene manual of procedures of canada ”的專家,以及吉林大學和四川農業大學的教授,就肉品檢驗員職責宰前宰后檢驗處理規則畜禽檢驗基礎知識常見病理改變肉檢驗及處理藥物殘留肉的檢驗及處理以及

Dr . terry d . hunt a veterinarian from canada demonstrated the procedure used in canada for the antemortem postmortem inspection of a hog carcass before it is approved for human consumption 加拿大獸醫專家terry hunt博士,介紹了加拿大豬場質量保證計劃和加拿大屠宰場豬肉檢疫以及檢驗檢疫工作對食品安全的重要作用。

Angiography , renal scintigraphy , intravenous pyelography , sonography , and enhanced computed tomography may be useful in diagnosing acute renal infarction antemortem 血管攝影,腎臟閃爍攝影,靜脈腎盂攝影,及計算機斷層為當前診斷常用的工具。

Angiography , renal scintigraphy , intravenous pyelography , sonography , and enhanced computed tomography may be useful in diagnosing acute renal infarction antemortem 血管攝影,腎臟閃爍攝影,靜脈腎盂攝影,及電腦斷層為目前診斷常用的工具。