
antediluvian adj.1.(《圣經》所說的)大洪水以前的。2.上古的,...

Volume # 1 - the lost continent of mu set out churchward ' s theory utilizing a “ vast knowledge of science , ancient art and history , mythology and the occult “ to recreate the splendor and doom of this hidden antediluvian world 卷一? ?查斯活特在《失去的姆大陸》一書中利用“各種不同的科學知識,古代藝術和歷史,神秘和玄秘”去宣布他的理論,去訴說這種光彩和隱藏在上古世界的厄運。


In 1936 when bloom would be 70 and stephen 54 their ages initially in the ratio of 16 to 0 would be as 17 1 2 to 13 1 2 , the proportion increasing and the disparity diminishing according as arbitrary future years were added , for if the proportion existing in 1883 had continued immutable , conceiving that to be possible , till then 1904 when stephen was 22 bloom would be 374 and in 1920 when stephen would be 38 , as bloom then was , bloom would be 646 while in 1952 when stephen would have attained the maximum postdiluvian age of 70 bloom , being 1190 years alive having been born in the year 714 , would have surpassed by 221 years the maximum antediluvian age , that of methusalah , 969 years , while , if stephen would continue to live until he would attain that age in the year 3072 a . d . , bloom would have been obliged to have been alive 83 , 300 years , having been obliged to have been born in the year 81 , 396 b . c 將來隨著彼此年的任意增長,比率會越來越大,差距則越來越小。因為倘若一八八三年存在的那個比率有可能一成不變地延續下去,那么一九0四年,當斯蒂芬二十二歲時,布盧姆就應該是三百七十四歲了而到了一九二0年,當斯蒂芬三十八歲也就是布盧姆現在這個年時,布盧姆就應該是六百四十六歲了而一九五二年,當斯蒂芬活到大洪水之后的最高年七十歲61時,布盧姆就已交一千一百九十歲,生年為七一四年62比大洪水之前的最長壽者,也就是活到九百六十九歲的瑪土撒拉63還要多二百二十一歲。

The three so - called pseudepigraphical works were allegedly written by or under the influence of the antediluvian patriarch enoch , who was taken up to heaven by the lord , an event described in the book of genesis ( 5 : 24 ) ; pseudepigraphical writings are those that are noncanonical ( meaning not accepted into the body of biblical books ) and were composed in a style intending to resemble or appear as authentic biblical literature , often assuming the title of some personage known to the audience 三篇所謂的偽經依其申述是在大洪水之前的以諾族長影響之下寫成的,以諾被神提升到天堂,是創世紀( 5 : 24 )描述的事件;偽經作品是不列入正典中的書(意味著并不被圣經主要部分所接受) ,以一種預計中類似可信圣經文獻的風格來編寫,或者以可信圣經文獻面貌來出現,經常采用一些眾所周知的著名人物作為標題。

The keeper of the shelter in the middle of this tte - tte put a boiling swimming cup of a choice concoction labelled coffee on the table and a rather antediluvian specimen of a bun , or so it seemed , after which he beat a retreat to his counter 他們正促膝談心45時,馬車夫棚老板將一杯熱氣騰騰幾乎漫出來的美其名為咖啡的高級混合飲料擺在桌上,還有一個小圓面包-毋寧說是遠古時代的品種,或者看上去是這樣。隨后他又回到柜臺那兒去了。

The new atlantis , interest in atlantis then languished , until , some 2 , 200 years after plato , the 1882 publication of atlantis : the antediluvian world by minnesota politician and sometime crankish writer ignatius donnelly 《新大西洲》 ,對亞特蘭蒂斯比苦思更為興趣,直到柏拉圖之后2 , 200年, 1882年出版了有關亞特蘭蒂斯的出版物:是由明尼蘇達州政客和古怪的作家伊格內修斯所寫的大洪水之前的上古世界。

Volume # 1 - the lost continent of mu set out churchward ' s theory utilizing a “ vast knowledge of science , ancient art and history , mythology and the occult “ to recreate the splendor and doom of this hidden antediluvian world 卷一? ?查斯活特在《失去的姆大陸》一書中利用“各種不同的科學知識,古代藝術和歷史,神秘和玄秘”去宣布他的理論,去訴說這種光彩和隱藏在上古世界的厄運。

You are antediluvian anyway , with your nietzsche ideas . the past is past , and the man who says history repeats itself is a liar 你那尼采思想早過了時,那位硬說歷史會重演的人是個騙子。

This antediluvian monetary system has now been replaced by the up - to - date monetary system of japan 這種舊式的金融體系也已經被現代化的日本系統所取代。

“ a branch of one of your antediluvian families ” ( william congreve ) “你們那些快老掉牙的家族中的一支” (威廉?康格里夫) 。

His ideas are positively antediluvian 他的思想是純粹的老古董