
antechamber n.接待室;前堂,前廳。

Penelon rolled his quid in his cheek , placed his hand before his mouth , turned his head , and sent a long jet of tobacco - juice into the antechamber , advanced his foot , balanced himself , and began , - “ you see , m . morrel , “ said he , “ we were somewhere between cape blanc and cape boyador , sailing with a fair breeze , south - south - west after a week s calm , when captain gaumard comes up to me - i was at the helm i should tell you - and says , penelon , what do you think of those clouds coming up over there “你瞧,莫雷爾先生, ”他說, “我們風平浪靜的航行了一星期,然后在布蘭克海岬和波加達海岬之間的一段海面上乘著一陣和緩的南西南風航行,忽然茄馬特船長走到了我面前,我得告訴你,我那時正在掌舵,他說,佩尼隆,你看那邊升起的那些云是什么意思?我那時自己也正在看那些云。


The main body of the thesis combines studying antechamber of modern architecture for performing arts with analyzing representative examples on the basis of the following eight major parts : 1 ) the summarization of antechamber in modern architecture for performing arts ; 2 ) the lobby and lounge ; 3 ) the ticket office ; 4 ) the part of culture amusement ; 5 ) the part of commerce service ; 6 ) the vip lounge ; 7 ) the audience toilet ; 8 ) the office for administration and equipment 正文結合最具有代表性的現代觀演建筑實例,分為八部分進行分析、研究和探討:現代觀演建筑前廳設計概述門廳及休息廳售票處文化娛樂部分商業服務部分貴賓休息室觀眾用廁所辦公管理及建筑設備用房

Penelon rolled his quid in his cheek , placed his hand before his mouth , turned his head , and sent a long jet of tobacco - juice into the antechamber , advanced his foot , balanced himself , and began , - “ you see , m . morrel , “ said he , “ we were somewhere between cape blanc and cape boyador , sailing with a fair breeze , south - south - west after a week s calm , when captain gaumard comes up to me - i was at the helm i should tell you - and says , penelon , what do you think of those clouds coming up over there “你瞧,莫雷爾先生, ”他說, “我們風平浪靜的航行了一星期,然后在布蘭克海岬和波加達海岬之間的一段海面上乘著一陣和緩的南西南風航行,忽然茄馬特船長走到了我面前,我得告訴你,我那時正在掌舵,他說,佩尼隆,你看那邊升起的那些云是什么意思?我那時自己也正在看那些云。

It is respectively : production , facility for transporting operates personnel : jockey of lathe work , milling , grinding work , boring labour , solderer , modular machine tool , machining center jockey , casting matchs benchwork , besmear to install ship - fitter of ship - fitter of equipment of benchwork of labour , tool , boiler , electric machinery , discretion to control ship - fitter of appearance of ship - fitter of appearance of instrument of electric equipment ship - fitter , electron , electrical engineering instrument , machine ; irrigation works of aricultural herd fishing produces personnel : inspector of quarantine of the member that animal epidemic disease prevents and cure , animal , firedamp produces work ; personnel of line of business of commerce , service : the member that assistant , bagman , publication is issued , chinese traditional medicine purchase and sale , clerk of the member that the division of division of appraisal appraisal division , chinese style noodle , chinese style noodle , western - style cook division , western - style noodle division , division that move wine , nutrition distributes food , dining - room , antechamber clerk , client clerk , health care ; handle affairs personnel and concerned personnel : secretary , public relations member , the member that terminal of communication of computer operator , cartographer , operator , user is maintained 分別是:生產、運輸設備操作人員:車工、銑工、磨工、鏜工、焊工、組合機床操作工、加工中心操作工、鑄配鉗工、涂裝工、工具鉗工、鍋爐設備裝配工、電機裝配工、高低壓電器裝配工、電子儀器儀表裝配工、電工儀器儀表裝配工、機修鉗工、汽車修理工、摩托車維修工、精密儀器儀表修理工、鍋爐設備安裝工、變電設備安裝工、維修電工、計算機維修工、手工木工、精細木工、音響調音員、貴金屬首飾手工制作工、土石方機械操作工、砌筑工、混凝土工、鋼筋工、架子工、防水工、裝飾裝修工、電氣設備安裝工、管工、汽車駕駛員、起重裝卸機械操作工、化學檢驗工、食品檢驗工、紡織纖維檢驗工、貴金屬首飾鉆石檢驗員、防腐蝕工;農林牧漁水利生產人員:動物疫病防治員、動物檢疫檢驗員、沼氣生產工;商業、服務業人員:營業員、推銷員、出版物發行員、中藥購銷員、鑒定估價師、中式面點師、中式面點師、西式烹調師、西式面點師、調酒師、營養配菜員、餐廳服務員、前廳服務員、客戶服務員、保健按摩師、職業指導員、物業指導員、物業治理員、鍋爐操作工、美容師、美發師、攝影師、眼鏡驗光員、眼鏡定配工、家用電子產品維修工、家用電器產品維修工、照相器材維修工、鐘表維修工、辦公設備維修工、保育員、家政服務員、養老護理員;辦事人員和有關人員:秘書、公關員、計算機操作員、制圖員、話務員、用戶通信終端維修員。

Basing on the perspective of architecture , the thesis preliminarily study and approach the factors such as the history evolution of antechamber of modern architecture for performing arts , the trend of development , the form of function , and the demands and methods of each component in architecture design , so that to do some useful work to the theory study and practice of contemporary chinese modern architecture for performing arts design 本文從建筑設計的角度出發,對現代觀演建筑前廳的歷史沿革、發展趨勢、功能組成、各組成部分的建筑設計要求以及設計方法等方面進行研究和探討,以期對我國觀演建筑的理論研究及設計實踐具有一定的實際意義。

As an important component of modern architecture for performing arts , the design of antechamber pays more attention to supplying audience more comfortable services and optional culture amusements , which makes the antechamber of modern architecture for performing arts obviously possessing multifunction to meet the development of society 現代觀演建筑的前廳作為觀演建筑的重要組成部分,其設計已開始注重為現代觀眾提供更多的完善的服務和可供選擇的文化娛樂項目,這使得觀演建筑的前廳具有了非常明顯的多功能性以滿足社會發展的需要。

She thought of the silent antechambers hung with oriental tapestry , lit by tall bronze candelabra , and of the two great footmen in knee breeches who sleep in the big armchairs , made drowsy by the heavy warmth of the hot - air stove 她會想到四壁蒙著東方綢、青銅高燈照著、靜悄悄的接待室;她會想到接待室里兩個穿短褲長襪的高大男仆,如何被暖氣管悶人的熱度催起睡意,在寬大的靠背椅里昏然睡去。

On the left ( north wall ) is a door leading to a smaller antechamber where first years wait to be sorted 在左邊(北墻)是一個通往較小的接待室的大門,一年級的新生就在這個接待室等著即將到來的分院儀式。

Emmanuel followed her , and in the antechamber were visible the rough faces of seven or eight half - naked sailors 艾曼紐跟在她后面。在客廳里,還有七八個衣不蔽體的水手。

The spry rattle had run on in the same vein of mimicry but for some larum in the antechamber 倘非前廳發出警報聲,此場輕快喧囂之摹擬鬧劇仍將續演。

Enter that antechamber of birth where the studious are assembled and note their faces 走進學生們聚集的產房外面的前廳,留意他們的神色吧。

Not far from the antechamber 離大地洞不遠

The antechamber to the artist ' s studio is recreated in the exhibition 通往藝術家畫室的接待室得到了重現。

The servants dozed in the antechambers . 侍役在接待室里睡大覺。