
antebellum adj.〔拉丁語〕戰前的;〔美國〕南北戰爭前的。 ant...


It took 20 years of labor for an antebellum american slave to repay his or her purchase price and maintenance costs ; today it takes two years for a bonded laborer in south asia to do the same 美國在南北戰爭之前,一個奴隸必須工作20年,才能償還奴隸主人當初付出的身價與日常開銷;今天在南亞,一個奴工只要花兩年就可以了。

James h . hammond and wade hampton were the most prominent of a parade of future governors , senators , judges , and generals who graduated during the antebellum period 大學最大的特色就是為大學內的教職員工和學生配備了信息技術設備,比如說膝上電腦,使學生從使用大量的硬件的過程中受益。

The capital of louisiana , in the southeast - central part of the state on a bluff above the mississippi river . it has notable antebellum houses . population , 219 , 531 巴吞魯日美國路易斯安那州的首府,位于密西西比河下峭壁的東南中心部,保留許多聞名的戰前古建筑。人口219 , 531

To entice all the people looking for a loo - break to stay a bit longer , locals bought the antebellum houses and turned them into restaurants and inns 為了誘使那些原本只想小憩一會的過客待的更久一些,當地人買下內戰前的房子,改裝成餐館和旅店。

For most workers , however , the antebellum period was one of rising wages and higher standards of material well - being 然而,對于大多數工人來說,南北戰爭以前的這段時間是工資與物質生活水平均有提高的時期。

On african - american religion in antebellum america 美國內戰前黑人宗教文化芻議