
ante n.1.【牌戲】預下的賭注。2.〔口語〕(應攤的)份子。...

“ then , my dear mother , “ said albert , putting his hand to the bell , “ they must be taken into the ante - chamber “那么,媽媽, ”阿爾貝垃了拉鈴說道, “要把這些花搬到前廳里去吧。

“ my worthy cocl s , “ said morrel in a tone impossible to describe , “ do you remain in the ante - chamber “我的好柯克萊斯, ”莫雷爾用一種難以形容的表情說道: “你去等在前廳里。

Gets or sets the string designator for hours that are “ ante meridiem “ before noon 獲取或設置表示處于“上午” (中午前)的各小時的字符串指示項。

The string designator for hours that are “ ante meridiem “ before noon . the default for 表示處于“上午” (中午前)的各小時的字符串指示項。

“ these are but indifferent marbles in this ante - chamber , “ said monte cristo “這間前廳里的大理石像太普通了, ”基督山說。

ante meridiem

Several games were going . these he watched for a time and noticed that the pots were quite large for the ante involved 他觀察了一會兒,就每次發牌前下的底注來看,牌局的輸贏數目是很可觀的。

Arlington ante - bellum home and gardens the greek revival home dating from 1845 exhibits numerous period antiques , hours tues 云南省昆明市和平路25號,蔡老師教你學插花布藝刺繡!

“ then , my dear mother , “ said albert , putting his hand to the bell , “ they must be taken into the ante - chamber “那么,媽媽, ”阿爾貝垃了拉鈴說道, “要把這些花搬到前廳里去吧。

As she passed through the ante - room , she saw through the window a carriage and lanterns standing at the entrance 當她穿過接待室,從窗口望見,一輛輕便馬車停在大門口,燈火輝煌。

“ my worthy cocl s , “ said morrel in a tone impossible to describe , “ do you remain in the ante - chamber “我的好柯克萊斯, ”莫雷爾用一種難以形容的表情說道: “你去等在前廳里。

Will the rule produce good consequences ( as compared to the alternatives ) from an ex ante perspective 從事先視角出發,這一規則是否會帶來好的結果(與另一可替代的規則相比) ?

Amnesties do encourage violation of tax and other laws , and ex ante are undesirable 推行赦免政策會鼓勵違反稅法及其它破壞法律的行為,而且事先就預期到赦免讓人難以接受。

En spelare brjar med att placera en insats ante i ante cirkeln och klickar drefter deal knappen 玩家首先在原賭注區ante下注,然后按下“發牌deal ”按鈕。

Gets or sets the string designator for hours that are “ ante meridiem “ before noon 獲取或設置表示處于“上午” (中午前)的各小時的字符串指示項。

They want to up their ante to 70 % if we want to be part of this joint venture 如果我們要加入合資,他們就要把自己分擔的那部份提高到百分之七十。

The iraqi court may up the ante by sentencing hussein and his co - defendants all to death 伊拉克法庭可能放手一搏將海珊和他的共犯全都處死。

The string designator for hours that are “ ante meridiem “ before noon . the default for 表示處于“上午” (中午前)的各小時的字符串指示項。

Fr att delta , lgg i en us 1 marker i springan ovanfr ante cirkeln vid din plats 請在原注區上面的投幣孔里放置1美元籌碼,參加累積賭注。

The abbreviation for ante - meridiem is a . m . , those hours between midnight and noon 午前的縮寫為a . m . ,指的是介于午夜到正午間的數小時。