
antares n.【天文學】心宿二,大火〔天蝎座α 〕。


The astrocalendar incorporates twelve fine quality photographs on the themes of astronomy and space science , such as southern sky trails , the vela supernova remnant , rho ophiuchus and the region of antares , night view of ancient beijing observatory , the tarantulas nebula 30 doradus , sunset on mauna kea , dunhuang star charts , etc . the calendar also includes the 1987 hong kong almanac , special astronomical phenomena and important historical events of astronomy 精選的十二幅精彩天文和太空圖片包括:南天極星流跡船帆座超新星爆發遺跡蛇夫座與心宿二天區北京古觀象臺夜景劍魚座毒蛛星云英法美莫納克亞天文臺敦煌星圖等。此月歷并附有1987年香港天象圖特別天象資料重要天文歷史大事等。

The astrocalendar incorporates twelve fine quality photographs on the themes of astronomy and space science , such as southern sky trails , the vela supernova remnant , rho ophiuchus and the region of antares , night view of ancient beijing observatory , the tarantulas nebula ( 30 doradus ) , sunset on mauna kea , dunhuang star charts , etc . the calendar also includes the 1987 hong kong almanac , special astronomical phenomena and important historical events of astronomy 精選的十二幅精彩天文和太空圖片包括:南天極星流跡、船帆座超新星爆發遺跡、蛇夫座與心宿二天區、北京古觀象臺夜景、劍魚座毒蛛星云、英法美莫納克亞天文臺、敦煌星圖等。此月歷并附有1987年香港天象圖、特別天象資料、重要天文歷史大事等。

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