
antarctica n.南極洲。

Shackleton called antarctica “ the last great journey left to man “ 沙爾克頓稱南極洲為“人類的終極旅程”


A diver at the hutton cliffs near the ross island just off antarctica 一名潛水員在南極羅斯島附近水域的赫頓裂谷中。

What else , but a journey at the opposite end of the world , antarctica 除了去世界另一頭南極洲旅行,還會干什么呢?

Well i did lavender , antarctica program , cms , onimusha , and what else 好的我做了lavender , ? ?計劃,鬼武者和其他。

Picture of aurora taken at antarctica 拍攝于南極的極光

Shackleton called antarctica “ the last great journey left to man “ 沙爾克頓稱南極洲為“人類的終極旅程”

You have arrived in antarctica 您已經成功到達了南極洲!

Antarctica is the world ' s coldest and the world ' s driest continent 南極洲是世界上最冷和最干燥的地方。

The antarctica is a continent centered roughly on the south pole 南極洲是一片大致以南極為中心的大陸。

Antarctica is the highest , driest , and coldest place on earth 南極洲是地球上最高、最干和最冷的地方。

Antarctica : is there something there 南極:那里存在什么嗎

The application of insar in antarctica 技術在南極地區的應用

The antarctica is a continent centered roughly on the south pole 南極洲是一片大致以南極為中心的大陸

Not only that . we ' re in the antarctica 別說80年…這是在南極

Antarctica is about 600 miles from the tip of south america 南極洲到南美洲尖端的距離約為六百英里

Despite there is no virus in antarctica 南極不是沒有病毒么?

Jeff : is the pole of cold in antarctica . did you know that 杰夫:是在南極洲的極點。你以前知道嗎?

The swells are coming in from antarctica , 大浪從南極洲沖過來了

Since then , men have gone to antarctica in search of adventure 從那以后,人們開始去南極洲探險。