
antagonize vt.1.反抗,對抗。2.引起…的對抗。3.中和,抵銷。...


During this period , economy system , administrative system , social relations mechanism and culture as well as ideology are all amidst inheriting , perfecting and renewing . the tremendous changes from economic basis to superstructure inevitably arouse the body ’ s subjective idea , and cause diverse contradictions to transform , to intensify and even to antagonize 在此過程中,經濟體制、政治管理體制、社會關系機制、思想文化與意識形態都面臨著繼承、完善與更新組合,從經濟基礎到上層建筑的巨大變革,必然引起利益主體意識的生成強化、各種矛盾的轉化、加劇乃至對抗。

The principles of laser technology , photo - electronic transformation technology and photo - electronic signal gathering technology were discussed in this paper , a new imaging laser threat warning device used in antagonizing laser - guiding weapon was designed and its main parts and circuit were described in detail 本文闡述了激光技術、光電轉化技術以及光電信號采集技術的基本原理。根據來自激光制導武器的威脅,采用較為先進的光敏電荷耦合器件( ccd )和廣角遠心魚眼型透鏡的探測技術,以及幀存儲和幀減法技術。

With the studying method of antagonizing tactic on attacking & defending department , frame of the incorporated defensive system about important traffic target is ameliorated , which shows the real time attacking and dynamic processing character in modern air raid , which gathers the incorporate character of information warning and managing , systems decision - making , protective measures , protective efficient assessing and information feedback , which exerts the optimizing theory synthetically and may enhance the power of colligate protection 摘要基于攻防體系對抗的研究方法,對重點交通目標一體化防護體系結構進行了改進和動態建模,反映了現代空襲實時打擊、動態過程化的特征;該防護體系集信息告警與處理、系統決策、防護措施、防護效果評定與信息反饋為一體,綜合運用優化理論以提高系統防護能力。

The legal preemptive right is regulated in different laws , so it has the effectiveness of real right or claim , while the conventional preemptive right only has the effectiveness of claim , so it ca n ' t be used to antagonize the third party . the legal preemptive right ca n ' t be discarded in advance , while the conventional preemptive right can 區分法定先買權與約定先買權具有實際意義,法定先買權基于不同的法律規定具有物權效力或債權效力,而約定先買權只具有債權效力,不能對抗第三人;法定先買權不得預先拋棄,約定先買權得預先拋棄。

Aiming at the problem that the system of passive interference and photoelectricity counterdevice antagonizes the missile of resisting naval vessel , the paper expatiates main structure , work principle and used foreground speediness reaction capability of servocontrol system of photoelectricity interference applied to capital ship and medium - sized ship 本文針對艦載無源光電干擾系統對抗反艦導彈的問題,闡述了大中型艦艇光電干擾伺服控制表統的組成結構、工作原理及應用前景。艦載光電干擾伺服控制系統采用機電式穩定平臺結構。

My favorite time is at night , tokyo is sleeping . i am a peeper . i can peep every part of it . at nine in the night , there is nobody on the road . a cat go pass me and look at me for 3 mins , then it go away quietly . cats in this city live very scrupulously too . it is clean everywhere . new things and old things all keep their own way proudly . i like the quiet and delicacy , but soon i begin to antagonize this city because i am chinese poor , i cant hand this delicay all the time . i wanna leave . from the second day i arrived there , it still close in me 我最喜歡夜晚的東京,當他睡著了,我這個偷窺者可以肆意挖掘他的隱秘之處.晚上九點,街上已沒了行人.路上經過的貓停下和我對視, 3秒之后又安靜的離開.這個城市的貓生活的似乎也比較小翼.每個角落都很干凈,鞋子走了一天也沒什么灰塵.新的東西和舊的東西都昂首挺胸默默地保持著自己的姿態.我喜歡這種安靜和精致,但時間一長我這中國草根的癖性便漸漸讓我和這座精致開始對抗.我開始想要離開,當我到達的第二天,這種想法就在每天糾結著我,以致讓我像完成任務一樣完成我每天的行程,情緒一直沒法高漲

2 . in the process of differentiating , if depriving of bfgf , neural stem cells died quickly ; bmp - 2 , atra and r * v * d affected the differentiation of neural stem cells significantly ; atra induced neural stem cells to differentiate into neuronic cells , vd3 and dex also induced neural stem cells to differentiate into neuronic cells , but not as effective as atra ; neural stem cells treated by bmp - 2 differentiated into astrocytes partially ; atra and bmp - 2 antagonized each other in their effects on neural stem cells differentiation . 3 細胞分化中如果缺少bfgf ,則分化細胞快速死亡; bmp - 2 、 atra和r * v * d ( atra + vd3 + dex的簡稱,余類推)對神經干細胞分化具明顯誘導作用; atra 、 vd3 、 dex誘導神經干細胞形成神經元樣細胞,但后兩者效果不如atra ; bmp - 2誘導神經干細胞形成少量星形膠質細胞; atra與bmp - 2在誘導神經干細胞分化過程中作用相互拮抗。

Only il - 1 could be used to predispose mesencephalic neural progenitors to enrich cell yield in a neuronal phenotype before cell transplantation . ( 2 ) the effects of cntf and il - 1 on neural progenitor differentiation were dose - related . ( 3 ) coeffects of elf - emf and cytokines were neither synergized nor antagonized , implying a potential role of organism emf during cns development 顯示emf與cntf 、 il一1a的共同效應不是簡單的脅同或拮抗,提示emf可能與細胞因子共同影u向應著神經系統的發育。

The experimental results showed that tongbian fang had the antagonistic effect on the inhibition of small intestine propulsion induced by adrenaline , atropine and morphine hydrochloride in mice , increased the water volume in intestinal cavities , excited the spontaneous movement of rabbit duodenum in vitro , antagonized the adrenaline - induced inhibition of duodenum movement in vitro and the acetylcholine - induced contraction of ileum in vitro 研究結果表明,通便方能拮抗腎上腺素、阿托品、鹽酸嗎啡引起小鼠小腸推進的抑制;能顯著增加小鼠腸腔水分;對家兔離體十二指腸自發運動有興奮作用,能拮抗腎上腺素引起的離體十二指腸運動抑制和乙酰膽堿引起離體回腸的強直性收縮。

Whether there is umbrella that can not protrude essence of mafia - style syndicates . some of them without can occupy the advantage when they antagonize the grass - roots political authority force . so it is not necessary to every mafia - style syndicate 是否有保護傘并不能凸現黑社會(性質)組織的本質,勢力強大的黑社會(性質)組織不需要保護傘也可以在與基層政權的對抗中占據優勢,因此它不是黑社會(性質)組織必須具備的。

Twt has the characters of high plus , wide frequency , longevity and high reliability , so twt is the core apparatus of communication , radar , electron antagonizing , ground station and microwave pyrogenation system , and has most important role in modern high - tech war 大功率行波管具有大功率、高增益、寬頻帶和長壽命等特點,廣泛地應用于雷達、電子對抗和通訊等國防重點工程.被譽為武器裝備的“心臟” 。

Sensitive degree of incorporated defensive tactic is discussed deeply with the calculation example , and the model mater embodied the character of antagonizing situation fully , having the traits of dynamic , objective , practical and other points 結合算例,對一體化防護策略的靈敏度特征進行了深入探討,該模型充分體現了對抗局勢的特征,具有動態性、客觀性、實用性等特點。

Unique data exchange random noise technology can effectively antagonize the analysis of logic analyzer and attacks of various debug tool and disallow the simulation of data by software emulator programs 采用獨創的資料交換隨機雜訊技術,有效對抗邏輯分析儀及各種調試工具的攻擊,完全禁止軟體仿真程式類比的資料。

Results the tongbi capsule markedly antagonized scald edema of rats , inhibited the biosynthesis or release of pge2 , remarkably inhibited thymic hyperplasia induced by tdi in guinea pigs 結果通鼻膠囊可抑制大鼠足燙傷的腫脹,降低炎性組織中的前列腺素e2的含量,減輕豚鼠免疫性炎癥的癥狀。

Neural stem cells can be induced to differentiate into neuronic cells by atra , vd3 and dex , and into astrocytes by bmp - 2 ; atra and bmp - 2 antagonize each other . 3 神經干細胞能被atra 、 vd3和dex誘導形成神經元樣細胞,被bmp一2誘導形成星形膠質細胞, atra與bmp一2作用相互拮抗

A score of times i was on the point of not going . but the hope of returning soon and fear of further antagonizing my father kept my purpose firm , and the train bore me away 我有多少次差不多都決定不走了,但是那種快去快來的想法和那種怕引起我父親對我不滿的顧慮支持著我。

The main reason is that traditional terrorist strategies seek to draw international attention to a cause without excessively antagonizing public opinion 其主要原因是傳統的恐怖組織策略是希望在不過分招致公眾敵意的情況下引起國際關注。

Gene bcl - 2 extends cells viability , whereas gene bax which belongs to bcl - 2 extended family antagonizes gene bcl - 2 Bcl - 2基因能夠延長細胞生存周期,而屬bcl - 2基因家族的bax基因則誘導細胞凋亡。

Leo & taurus : this is an ill - fated connection , your extravagance and desire to party are antagonizing to the prudent bull 前途不甚樂觀,你的夸張和對宴會的愛好會引起小心謹慎的金牛的反抗。