
antagonistic adj.對抗(性)的,敵對的,相反的,不相容的。 Cat...


The contradiction between the cadre & people in the new period have these characters : the non - antagonistic nature of its nature , the prominent nature of its position , the diversity of its display and the variety of its existing reason 摘要新時期的干群矛盾具有性質的非對抗性、地位的突出性、表現形式的多樣性、成因的多重性等特點。

We hope to break the antagonistic working relationship with the contractors and subcontractors and , to establish instead a fair , mutually beneficial and close partnership with them 我們希望可以突破我們與承建商及分判商之間,過往那種對抗性的工作關系。取而代之,我們希望可以建立一種公平、互利互惠,彼此緊密聯系合作的伴關系。

This essay studies higher technology of sanda technology system , when compiling the attack integration technology must according to antagonistic character of sanda sports and some gist and principle 摘要進攻組合技術作為散打的高級技術,在其編串的時候應該依據散打運動對抗實踐的特點,因此,編串必須遵循一定的依據和原則。

I know no medium : i never in my life have known any medium in my dealings with positive , hard characters , antagonistic to my own , between absolute submission and determined revolt 我不知道有折中的辦法。在與同我自己的性格相左的那種自信冷酷的個性打交道時,我不知道在絕對屈服和堅決反抗之間,生活中還有什么中間道路。

The results showed that the toxicity of mixture of lead and zinc could be explained as antagonistic action , while the toxicity of mixtures of lead andcadmium , cadmium and zinc showed to be synergistic action 結果表明:鉛和鋅共存時的聯合毒性為拮抗作用,而鎘和鋅,鎘和鉛共存時主要表現為毒性劇增的協同作用。

These activities stretch the pulling muscles that can become “ overdeveloped ” through gym climbing , and strengthen your antagonistic muscles , i . e . those that work in opposition to your pulling muscles 這些活動能使收縮肌在巖場攀登的時候有超越一般使用狀態的表現,同時也使你能伸展開相對的反向肌肉。

Cross - examination is an important judicial institution and evidential regulation of the anglo - american countries , and it is one of the most characteristic institutions of the antagonistic lawsuits 交叉詢問是英美法系的重要審判制度和證據規則,是當事人主義對抗制訴訟模式中最具特色的制度之一。

In jurisprudence history , the classification of the natural law school and the analytic positive law school is mainly based on their antagonistic views upon the relations between law and morality 在法學史上,自然法學派和分析實證法學派的劃分,主要在于他們在法律和道德關系問題上觀點的對立。

In his words , in his tone , above all in his eyesthose cold , almost antagonistic eyescould be felt that aloofness from all things earthly that is so fearful to a living man 他的話里面,他的聲調里面,尤其在目光里冷冷的幾乎含著敵意的目光里感覺得出使一個活人害怕的對世俗生活的疏遠。

It is applicable to coinject two or three genes whose expression products have no antagonistic action . 4 . coinjection is a simple gene transfer method which saves time and money 非桔抗基因(轉移基因的表達產物互不抑制)的共轉移(顯微注射法)是一種既經濟、又有效的方法。

Two herbicides treating together have an antagonistic action because of some ions of mixture . the mcn and ona inducted by herbicides do n ' t appear in the meantime 可能是其化學成分導致了某種特定的作用機理,使得在與其他除草劑聯合作用時減弱了對泥鰍紅細胞微核的誘變作用。

After several years ' participation ( 1990 - 1997 ) in education reform , the author proposes the study of the antagonistic forces in education reform as an important issue 為了認識這些反對行為,作者依實際經驗建構出問題老師、問題學生、以及問題師生交互的理念型。

In order to explore halocin diversity at both the protein and gene expression levels , 22 haloarchaeal strains were used to study antagonistic interactions among them 對這6個嗜鹽菌素分別進行理化性質的測定,發現halc8性質非常穩定,是研究嗜鹽菌素的理想材料。

Disputes , if any , over specific matters are only a result of their differing social function and therefore never antagonistic in essence 兩者之間,更多的是基于各自不同的社會職能和不同的分工考慮,而產生的一些具體問題的爭議及磨合,不存在根本的對立性。

The purposes of action of the accuser and the defendant tend to be antagonistic : the former seeks for the establishment of the claim , while the latter intends to deny it 控辯雙方的訴訟目的傾向于對立:控方追求訴訟主張的成立,辯方則意圖使其不成立。

Fifa ' s decision to ban internationals being played above 2 , 500m has actually helped bring antagonistic factions in south america closer together 國際足總決定禁止在2500公尺以上地區舉行國際賽事,這實際上使南美的反對派系更緊密地結合在一起。

And 55 isolates against colletotrichum . some isolates from the roots , stems and leaves were shown antagonistic against all the four pathogens 并且對于每一種病原菌在各個品種、各個時期及根、莖、葉均有不同數量的桔抗菌株存在。

Something that separates potentially antagonistic entities , as an area between two rival powers that serves to lessen the danger of conflict 緩沖物,緩沖地帶可用來隔離潛在的對抗性因來的東西,如面敵對勢力用來減輕沖突危險的地帶

Classes have split society into many antagonistic groupings ; there will be love of all humanity when classes are eliminated , but not now 階級使社會分化為許多對立體,階級消滅后,那時就有了整個的人類之愛,但是現在還沒有。