
antagonist n.1.敵手,反對者;對抗者。2.【解剖學】對抗肌,拮抗...

“ a quasi videogame featuring a pair of unkillable antagonists . 一部準游戲,主角是一對殺不死的對手

It contains articles and features of interest to the “new generation“ of feminists as well as to their male antagonists or supporters . 它所刊登的文章和專欄不僅引起了“新一代”女權運動者的關注,而且也引起了男性反對派和支持者的興趣。


( 3 ) yohimbine ( 4 mg / kg ) , a selective a2 - ar antagonist , also partially attenuated the effects of agmatine 門)預先靜注瞇哩淋受體門r )和a廠腎上腺素能受體阻斷劑( a廠ar ) idazoxan ( 2

He was in a savage temper , and , standing over six feet from the ground , was as formidable an antagonist as even buck could desire 他有六尺多高,樣子很兇,正是巴克期待的讓人畏懼的敵手。

Relationship between the variable number of tandem repeat polymorphism in intron two of interleukin - 1 receptor antagonist gene and coronary heart disease 內含子2基因多態性分布的研究

Influence of angiotensin - 1 receptor antagonist on the incidence of stroke - prone spontaneous hypertension in rats 血管緊張素1型受體拮抗劑對易感型自發性高血壓大鼠腦卒中發生率的影響

Clininal observation of treatment for diarrhea irritable bowel syndrome and constipation irritable bowel syndrm with ca2 antagonist 鈣拮抗劑治療腹瀉型及便秘型腸易激綜合征臨床觀察

Where there were quarrels , his kindly smile and casually uttered jokes were enough to reconcile the antagonists 無論在那里發生爭吵,只要他露出和善的微笑,隨便打個諢,就和事了。

The changes of serum interleukin - 5 and eosinocytic apoptosis in bronchoalveolar fluid after leukotriene receptor antagonist treatment 5及支氣管肺泡灌洗液嗜酸性粒細胞凋亡的變化

He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill . our antagonist is our helper 和我們搏斗的人可以增加我們的膽識、磨煉我們的技巧。敵手即是助手。

Retardation of development and progression of coronary atherosclerosis : a new indication for calcium antagonists 遲滯冠狀動脈粥樣硬化的進展:鈣拮抗劑的一個新的指征?

He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill . our antagonist is our helper 和我們搏斗的人增強我們的神經,磨礪我們的技巧。敵手即是助手。

Purification of recombinant human interleukin - 1 receptor antagonist and analysis of its two different oxidative forms 1受體拮抗劑高效純化及不同氧化態轉換

A woman in whom intelligence and femininity were not antagonists but complement to each other 我理解:一個婦女的智慧和柔情不是對立的兩方面而是相互補充的

My friend is a left - handed player , and seemed quite strong against her antagonist at the very beginning 我的朋友是左撇子,剛開始時似乎比對手還要強。

( 2 ) take the opportunity of tracheal intubation and the opportunity of administering antagonist ( 2 )選擇最佳的氣管插管時間和應用拮抗藥的時機。

He crouched there for a long time before he hit upon a plan to defeat his antagonist 他蹲在那里很長一段時間后,突然想出了一個挫敗他對手的計劃。

Today many pharmaceutical companies are competing to develop capsaicin receptor antagonists 今日,許多制藥公司正爭相發展辣椒素受體的拮抗劑。

Art museum by the zoo was welcome by the audience . the cold blooded antagonist role in 在近作public enemy ,他首次演出冷血的大奸角人物。