
antagonism n.1.敵對,對立。2.相克作用,對抗(作用),對抗性。...


Survey of traditional culture of backwardness in antagonism ball events of china 我國同場對抗性集體球類項目水平落后的傳統文化審視

Tests on identification and antagonism of strains isolated from dry leave of eucalyptys 分離自桉樹枯葉拮抗菌株的鑒定及拮抗性試驗

The effect of proliferation on lymphocyte induced by arsenic and the antagonism of selenium 砷對淋巴細胞增殖的影響及硒的拮抗作用

The aesthetic posture of gender antagonism - discussing the nominal character of feminine poetics 論八十年代女性詩學的本體特征

Antagonism to the plant pathogenic fungi of bacillus subtilis b - 916 and its exudate 916及其分泌物對幾種植物病原菌的毒力分析

The purpose of antagonism and transcendence to the tragedy from xiao hong ' s consciousness 論蕭紅悲劇意識中的反抗和超越意志

Light finds her treasure of colours through the antagonism of clouds 光線在與云霓的抗衡中覓到了她五光十色的珍寶。

A probe into the reasons for increasing civilian antagonism between china and japan 中日民間對立情緒增長原因探析

Antagonism and anti - antagonism of millimeter - wave guidance of anti - ship missile 反艦導彈毫米波導引頭對抗與反對抗

Her lips tightened . the feeling of mutual antagonism was increased 她的嘴唇緊閉著,雙方的敵對情緒增加了。

Biocontrol of postharvest disease of fruits and vegetables by antagonism 拮抗菌控制果蔬采后病害研究進展

The antagonism and mutual complement between cultures of the east and the west 論東西方文化的對立與互補

Gender antagonism in females ' writings 女性寫作中的兩性對抗

The antagonism he felt towards his old enemy was still very strong 他對舊冤家的敵對情緒仍然很大

On the latent intention of antagonism in zhang ailing ' s literary style 論張愛玲文體意識的對抗性

Designing of streaming media courseware for information antagonism and security 流媒體課件制作

Antagonism of bacillus firmus srain b - 305 against three pathogenetic fungi 對照組采用常規三聯

A few joking words relaxed the antagonism between them 幾句笑話緩和了他們之間的對立情緒。

Registration of chattel mortgage right and its antagonism 論動產抵押權登記及其對抗力問題