
antacid adj.中和酸的,解酸的。n.【醫學】解酸劑;抗酸劑。

Green pea , along with other unusual sodas such as turkey and gravy , dinner roll , sweet potato and antacid flavor , will be part of the company ' s 10 to 15 “ holiday pack “ of bottled drinks available nationwide 除綠豌豆口味外, jones soda公司此次推出的新品飲料還包括火雞肉湯味午餐小面包味甜薯味和酸湯味飲料。這些怪味飲料將作為“節日飲料禮包” ,以每份10美元至15美元的價格銷往全美。

Green pea , along with other unusual sodas such as turkey and gravy , dinner roll , sweet potato and antacid flavor , will be part of the company s 10 to 15 “ holiday pack “ of bottled drinks available nationwide 除綠豌豆口味外, jones soda公司此次推出的新品飲料還包括火雞肉湯味午餐小面包味甜薯味和酸湯味飲料。這些怪味飲料將作為“節日飲料禮包” ,以每份10美元至15美元的價格銷往全美。

Don t be stoic . “ an otc or prescription antacid such as pepcid ac , tagamet hb or zantac 75 will ease the symptoms and reduce irritation to the esophagus . “ dr . kochman says 寇曼醫師說:市面上所販售或是醫師所開的處方,例如pepcid ac tagamet hb或是zantac75都可以減輕癥狀減少食道所受的刺激。

“ we know we ca n ' t compete with coke or pepsi by playing their game , but we know they ' re not going to come out with a turkey flavor or antacid flavor . 我們雖不能與可口可樂和百事等飲料公司相抗衡,但他們的產品也無法與我們的火雞味飲料和酸湯味飲料相媲美。 ”

“ we know we can t compete with coke or pepsi by playing their game , but we know they re not going to come out with a turkey flavor or antacid flavor . 我們雖不能與可口可樂和百事等飲料公司相抗衡,但他們的產品也無法與我們的火雞味飲料和酸湯味飲料相媲美。 ”


With the mixture of friendly warmth and necessary opportunism that characterises cubans nowadays , one of the bored women attendants was soon asking your correspondent ' s wife if she could spare a packet of antacids ( “ medicines are very scarce ” ) 如今的古巴人的性格里混雜著友好熱情與絕對必要的機會主義,而不一會博物館里那些無聊的女服務員中就會很快走出一名,來問我們的隨行記者的妻子能不能給她一包抗酸劑(她會說, “藥物在古巴非常稀少” ) 。

Green pea , along with other unusual sodas such as turkey and gravy , dinner roll , sweet potato and antacid flavor , will be part of the company ' s 10 to 15 “ holiday pack “ of bottled drinks available nationwide 除綠豌豆口味外, jones soda公司此次推出的新品飲料還包括火雞肉湯味午餐小面包味甜薯味和酸湯味飲料。這些怪味飲料將作為“節日飲料禮包” ,以每份10美元至15美元的價格銷往全美。

Green pea , along with other unusual sodas such as turkey and gravy , dinner roll , sweet potato and antacid flavor , will be part of the company s 10 to 15 “ holiday pack “ of bottled drinks available nationwide 除綠豌豆口味外, jones soda公司此次推出的新品飲料還包括火雞肉湯味午餐小面包味甜薯味和酸湯味飲料。這些怪味飲料將作為“節日飲料禮包” ,以每份10美元至15美元的價格銷往全美。

Medications : nsaids / aspirin for inflammation and pain , steroids to treat muscle / joint problems , antacids to reduce heartburn , medication to control blood pressure and to increase blood flow 藥物治療:用于止痛消炎的非類固醇抗炎藥( nsaid ) /阿司匹林,用于治療肌肉/關節的類固醇,用于降低胃灼熱的抗酸劑,控制血壓和增加血流的藥物。

Don t be stoic . “ an otc or prescription antacid such as pepcid ac , tagamet hb or zantac 75 will ease the symptoms and reduce irritation to the esophagus . “ dr . kochman says 寇曼醫師說:市面上所販售或是醫師所開的處方,例如pepcid ac tagamet hb或是zantac75都可以減輕癥狀減少食道所受的刺激。

“ we know we ca n ' t compete with coke or pepsi by playing their game , but we know they ' re not going to come out with a turkey flavor or antacid flavor . 我們雖不能與可口可樂和百事等飲料公司相抗衡,但他們的產品也無法與我們的火雞味飲料和酸湯味飲料相媲美。 ”

“ we know we can t compete with coke or pepsi by playing their game , but we know they re not going to come out with a turkey flavor or antacid flavor . 我們雖不能與可口可樂和百事等飲料公司相抗衡,但他們的產品也無法與我們的火雞味飲料和酸湯味飲料相媲美。 ”

Processed food , restaurant food , and certain medications ( laxatives , analgesics , and some antacids ) are high in salt and should be consumed with moderation 加工過的食物、餐館食物和某些藥物(瀉藥、止痛劑和某些解酸劑)是在高鹽和應該被消耗緩和。

Add in the antacid first , then sulfur ( add in after diluted and cooled ) for better penetration and distribution of the chrome tanning agent 先加蟻酸,再加硫酸(稀釋冷卻后添加)以利鉻鞣劑均勻的滲透和分布。

The pain rarely returned after his evening meal and it was not affected when he ingested milk or antacid 疼痛很少在他晚餐后再發,同時喝牛奶或服用抑酸劑,對于疼痛并無影響。

He recommends a calcium supplement for those on antacid medication , in order to prevent the harmful side effects 楊建議在服用抗酸藥物的同時補充鈣以防止抗酸藥毒副作用。

These preparations are used for cough relief , antipyretic , laxative , antidiarrheal and antacid action 此制劑用于止咳、退熱、輕瀉、止瀉及抗酸作用

Over - the - counter antacids may relieve the gnawing pain , but the relief is always temporary 一般在市面可購買到的抗胃酸藥只可暫時抒緩痛楚。

You ' re leaving with your antacids and floss 你悄悄的走了,正如你悄悄的來