
ant n.螞蟻。 have ants in one's pan...

ant bear

The ant ran to the hunter and bit his foot hard 螞蟻撲向獵人,并發狠地咬他的腳。

Making use of ant buildfiles from within your java code 從java代碼使用ant構建文件

Buren ) are small ants native to south america Buren )是原產南美一帶的小型螞蟻。

The java sdk and ant should be installed , and 還應該安裝java sdk和ant ,并提前設置

What a disgusted kind of pest the white ant is 白蟻這種害蟲,實在是相當可惡的。

God : what ' re you busy at ? ants are busy , too 上帝:你在忙什么呢?螞蟻們也很忙。

An ant will sacrifice himself for his friends 每只螞蟻都愿意為了朋友犧牲自己

I ' ll work like an ant to become rich in this world . . 我要像螻蟻那樣辛勤工作. .

Buren are small ants native to south america Buren是原產南美一帶的小型螞蟻。

Dynamic qos multicast routing algorithm based on ant colony system 多播路由算法

In the ant city , the queen ' s job is laying eggs 在螞蟻王國,蟻后的工作是產卵。

Some spiders mimic insects such as ants 有些蜘蛛摹擬成如螞蟻一類的昆蟲的樣子。

An ant on the move does more than a dozing ox 行動的螞蟻比睡覺的公牛干活更多。

Who has not stood in awe at the sight of a spider pouncing on a fly, or a column of ants triumphantly bearing home an enormous dead beetle ? 看到蜘蛛捕捉蒼蠅的情景,看到螞蟻大軍扛著一只巨大的死甲蟲凱旋而歸的景象,誰能不倍感敬畏呢?

The experiments with frogs and ants had led us to believe that bombardier beetles might be safe from all their enemies . 用青蛙和螞蟻所作的實驗曾使我們相信,噴霧甲蟲可以安全地免遭所有敵人的攻擊。

Like ants trying to shake a huge tree , ridiculously overrating themselves ; they were merely like ants trying to shake a giant tree. how they overrated themselves ! 蚍蜉撼大樹,可笑不自量。

Last summer i spent days in the garden watching thousands of ants crawling up the trunk of my prize peach tree . 去年夏天,我在花園里呆了數日,觀看成千上萬只螞蟻爬上我那棵出色的桃樹的樹干。

I noted with satisfaction that the ants were still swarming around the sticky tape without being able to do anything about it . 我滿意地注意到螞蟻仍然密集在膠帶周圍,一籌莫展。

If you go into the fields and turn over a few big stones , you may uncover a city of ant people . 如果你到田野里去翻開幾塊大石頭,你可能會揭開一個蟻民的城市。