
answerable adj.1.可答復的;應答辯的。2.應負責的;應抵償的。...

People who know about god , and are therefore answerable to him , “ must all appear before the judgement seat of christ “ ( 2 corinthians 5 : 10 ) 知道神的人就要對他盡責, “眾人必要在基督臺前顯露出來” (哥林多前書5 : 10 ) 。


Admittedly , singapore ' s voice on international issues may be less heard because of our small territory and population . yet it would be a family disgrace indeed if we had to be answerable to foreigners in all our domestic affairs . to establish our indigenous voice and views is to make singapore duly heeded and regarded 假使在國際事務上,我們的聲音相對于大國而言比較單薄,多半可以解釋為“小國寡民”之故,倘若國內的事,也要別人來指指點點,凡事都得向外點頭哈腰,那可真是“家門”不幸了。

The real change in the new bill is in fact revolutionary . under the existing system the ssb , through the supervisor and the school management committee , controls the school and is answerable to the government . under the new system the incorporated management committee will replace the ssb and be directly answerable to the government 按現行的法例辦學團體藉著其所委任的校監及校董會監管學校并向政府全面負責按新法例個別學校的法團校董會取代了辦學團體,直接向政府負責。

This part of his intelligence , though unheard by lydia , was caught by elizabeth , and as it assured her that darcy was not less answerable for wickham s absence than if her first surmise had been just , every feeling of displeasure against the former was so sharpened by immediate disappointment , that she could hardly reply with tolerable civility to the polite inquiries which he directly afterwards approached to make 他這個消息麗迪雅雖然沒有聽見,卻給伊麗莎白聽見了。伊麗莎白因此斷定:關于韋翰缺席的原因,雖然她開頭沒有猜對,卻依舊是達西先生一手造成的。她覺得非常掃興,對達西也就越發起了反感,因此接下來當達西走上前來向她問好的時候,她簡直不能好聲好氣地回答他。

Chapter 3 . 13 says : while maintaining that individual schools should be allowed to decide on the school management structures that best suit their needs , we recommend that to facilitate efficient school management , schools may consider to establish a school executive committee under the smc , to decide on school matters and be answerable to the smc 校長:大家會承認,在學校里校長的權力和責任最大。現在的教育條例不贊成校長任校董,修訂條例不許校長任校董會主席,都是為避免校長的權力膨脹。事實上,校長的權力和責任已很大。

If the contractual model were chosen , it would be necessary to provide either a mechanism for the election and operation of a board of directors in the contractual fund or that the independent directors constitute a special class of directors of the management company who would represent the interests of , be answerable to and removable by the shareholders of the funds under management and have defined responsibilities within the management company 在emh理論形成的過程中,奧斯本osberne和法瑪fama的貢獻最大。奧斯本提出了關于股票價格遵循隨機游走的主張,認為投資者是根據他們的期望價值或收益率來估計股票的,而期望價值是可能的收益率的概率加權平均值,所以投資者在奧斯本定義上的理性是以無偏的方式設定其主觀概率。

The governments response in april 2003 paragraphs 23 , 24 was very vague , stressing only terms such as transparency and answerable . it did not discuss the problem in depth . i would like to invite the government to sit down with the ssb to hold serious discussions D在條例里,明文規定辦學團體可以任命校監其實也應該是校董會主席,作為辦學團體及校董會的橋梁,也以校董會的名義,在校董會開會時間外,協助并監管校長及學校的運作。

No : adele is not answerable for either her mother s faults or yours : i have a regard for her ; and now that i know she is , in a sense , parentless - forsaken by her mother and disowned by you , sir - i shall cling closer to her than before “不,阿黛勒不應對她母親和你的過失負責。我很關心她,現在我知道她在某種意義上說沒有父母被她的母親所拋棄,而又不被你所承認,先生我會比以前更疼愛她。

If this marriage is invalid , he said , crooking his finger , then it follows im not answerable for it . well , and if it is valid , it wont matter . no one will ever know of it abroad , so , you see , its all right , isnt it “我不是向你講過了,我這樣斷定:如果這次結婚無效, ”他彎屈指頭說道, “就是說我無責任如果這次結婚有效,那橫豎一樣,在國外沒有人知道這件事,喏,豈不是這樣的嗎?

And the hanging for the gate of the court was needlework , of blue , and purple , and scarlet , and fine twined linen : and twenty cubits was the length , and the height in the breadth was five cubits , answerable to the hangings of the court 18院子的門簾是以繡花的手工,用藍色,紫色,朱紅色線,和捻的細麻織的,寬二十肘,高五肘,與院子的帷子相配。

However , groups such as citi or merrill appear to have developed a more hierarchical pattern , in which the different business lines have existed like warring tribes , answerable only to the chief 然而,花旗或美林等其它集團似乎發展了一種等級更為分明的制度,不同業務分支仿佛像是正在交戰的部落,只服從最高首領一個人。

Yet when the problem is broken into sub - problems , each answerable without the help of experts or books , you can come close to the exact solution 但是當這個問題被分解為幾個次級問題,每個問題不用求教專家或書本都能解答時,你就接近于得到準確的答案。

This habit converts a restatement into a question answerable by yes or no instead of an invitation for the interviewee to expand on his or her comments 這個習慣會使復述變成一個問題,會暗示被訪談者回答是或否,而不是讓被訪談者擴展他的解釋。

Rbs would be answerable to the regulator until the dutch and other watchdogs were comfortable with the consortium members taking over their shares of the business 蘇格蘭皇家銀行將繼續向監管局匯報直到荷蘭和其他監管方對于收購交易滿意為止。

The office of the attorney general of switzerland is an independent judicial authority answerable to the swiss federal supreme court , the highest court in switzerland 瑞士律政司司長辦公廳是獨立的司法機關,向瑞士聯邦最高法院負責。

The purpose of the arrest is to ensure that a person suspected or known to have committed a crime or offence may be answerable to a court of law 拘捕的目的是為了確保該名涉嫌或巳知干犯罪案或罪行的人,可以向法庭解釋自己的行為。

Rochester : just so , you should be answerable for not explaining . does my forehead not please you ? what do you tell of my head ? am i a fool 羅切斯特:的確,申辯一下是有必要的,我的額頭不好看嗎?我的頭呢?我象個傻瓜?

Perhaps there was some truth in this ; though i doubt whether his reserve , or anybody sreserve , can be answerable for the event 這番話或許真有幾分道理不過我卻覺得,這種事既不應當怪他矜持過分,也不應當怪別人矜持過分。

People who know about god , and are therefore answerable to him , “ must all appear before the judgement seat of christ “ ( 2 corinthians 5 : 10 ) 知道神的人就要對他盡責, “眾人必要在基督臺前顯露出來” (哥林多前書5 : 10 ) 。