
answer n.1.回答,答復。2.解答,答案。3.答辯,抗辯。4....

He answered coolly, “good morning. “ 她淡淡地應了聲:“你好。”

“i've got an awful headache,“ he answered . “我頭疼的要命,”他回答說。

“will you answer me?“ said quilp . “你告訴我好嗎?”奎爾普說。


I disdain to answer such an attack . 我討厭對這種攻擊進行回答。

He answered coolly, “good morning. “ 她淡淡地應了聲:“你好。”

Mr. swiveller answered in the negative . 斯威夫勒先生答稱沒有。

We racked our brains for an answer . 我們為尋找答案而絞盡腦汁。

I don't remonstrate, i simply answer you . 我沒有反對,我只是回答你的話。

She smiled softly as he answered her . 在他回答她時,她深情款款地微笑著。

If you can not answer the question , leave a blank . 如果答不上來就空著。

“i've got an awful headache,“ he answered . “我頭疼的要命,”他回答說。

The judge directed the defendant to answer . 法官責令被告回答。

Our own history gives us an answer . 我們自己的歷史向我們提供了一個答案。

They stared or gave impertinent answer . 他們只是瞪眼,或無禮地胡亂回答。

Your answer is the sublime of stupidity . 你的回答是極端愚妄的。

Do not shuffle : give us a clear answer . 給我們一個明確的答復。

The prayers of both could not be answered . 我們雙方的祈禱都不能夠如愿。

I can't answer your question off hand . 我不能立即答復你的問題。

Elinor would not vouchsafe any answer . 埃莉諾不想給予任何回答。