
ansa ANSA = 〔意大利語〕 Agenzia Nazion...

The 14 - year - old boys , dressed as demons , had knocked on the man ' s door during an evening of “ trick or treat “ near the northern town of turin and set off a firecracker . when the door opened , instead of a treat , the man fired four shots at the boys having been scared by the noise and their strange outfits , the news agency ansa said 據路透社11月2日報道,該事件發生在意大利北方名城都靈附近,在這個充滿了“惡作劇與盛情款待”的夜晚,這兩名年紀均為14歲且都把自己打扮得像個魔鬼的男孩來到了那名老人的家門口。

“ it is absolutely not true , i didn ' t call him a terrorist , i don ' t know anything about that , “ the italian news agency ansa quoted materazzi as saying when he arrived with his team at an italian military airfield “肯定不是這樣,我沒有叫他恐怖分子,我對此一無所知, ”當馬特拉齊和他的隊友抵達一個意大利軍事機場時,意大利ansa新聞社援引馬特拉齊說。

“ it ' s a dangerous stretch of sea because of the currents , “ giuseppe ' s trainer , francesco cacopardo , told ansa news agency 的教練francesco cacopardo對安莎社表示: “湍急的水流讓墨西拿海峽變得很危險。 ”

“ it s a dangerous stretch of sea because of the currents , “ giuseppe s trainer , francesco cacopardo , told ansa news agency 的教練francesco cacopardo對安莎社表示: “湍急的水流讓墨西拿海峽變得很危險。 ”


The 14 - year - old boys , dressed as demons , had knocked on the man ' s door during an evening of “ trick or treat “ near the northern town of turin and set off a firecracker . when the door opened , instead of a treat , the man fired four shots at the boys having been scared by the noise and their strange outfits , the news agency ansa said 據路透社11月2日報道,該事件發生在意大利北方名城都靈附近,在這個充滿了“惡作劇與盛情款待”的夜晚,這兩名年紀均為14歲且都把自己打扮得像個魔鬼的男孩來到了那名老人的家門口。

“ it is absolutely not true , i didn ' t call him a terrorist , i don ' t know anything about that , “ the italian news agency ansa quoted materazzi as saying when he arrived with his team at an italian military airfield “肯定不是這樣,我沒有叫他恐怖分子,我對此一無所知, ”當馬特拉齊和他的隊友抵達一個意大利軍事機場時,意大利ansa新聞社援引馬特拉齊說。

Juventus midifelder stephen appiah has joined fenerbahce for eight million euros ( $ 9 . 66 million ) , juve managing director luciano moggi was quoted as saying by the ansa news agency on monday 尤文圖斯中場球員史蒂芬.阿皮亞以800萬歐元轉會費內巴切。星期一尤文圖斯總經理在接受安莎通訊社采訪透露這條消息。

Rome ( ap ) ? luciano pavarotti ' s health has deteriorated and and he ' s in serious condition , the italian news agencies ansa and agi reported wednesday 羅馬( ap )據本周三意大利安莎通訊社和agi通訊社報道,男高音帕瓦羅蒂的健康狀況已經惡化,目前身體情況非常糟糕。

Police said the chief engineer aboard the ship reported that it was carrying some 85 , 000 liters of fuel , and not 13 , 000 as earlier reported by ansa 另據報道,在意大利西北部港市斯培西亞,風暴使一艘散裝貨輪撞上了防波堤,船身被撞開口造成數千升燃料泄漏。

Ansa ) - turin , june 29 - former juventus player gianluca pessotto remains in critical condition and doctors do not know whether he will survive 29前尤文的球員吉安盧卡.佩索托仍然處于危險的狀態,并且醫生并不可以確定也是否可以活下去。

“ it ' s a dangerous stretch of sea because of the currents , “ giuseppe ' s trainer , francesco cacopardo , told ansa news agency 的教練francesco cacopardo對安莎社表示: “湍急的水流讓墨西拿海峽變得很危險。 ”

“ it s a dangerous stretch of sea because of the currents , “ giuseppe s trainer , francesco cacopardo , told ansa news agency 的教練francesco cacopardo對安莎社表示: “湍急的水流讓墨西拿海峽變得很危險。 ”

Police arrested the man , who lived alone and was the victim of several robberies , for attempted murder , ansa said 警方稱,這兩個男孩兒已無生命危險,但其中一人的一只眼睛有可能不保。