
anoxic adj.【醫學】缺氧的。

“ anoxia related diseases are the major causes of death in the industrialized world , “ said goran nilsson , a professor at university of oslo . “ evolution has solved the problem of anoxic survival millions of years ago , something that medical science has struggled with for decades with limited success . 挪威奧斯陸大學的高蘭尼爾森教授說: “與缺氧有關的疾病是造成工業化社會人類死亡的主要原因,醫學界對此進行了幾十年研究卻成果甚微,而自然進化卻早幾百萬年前就解決了缺氧存活的問題。 ”

The scientific and technical accomplishments achieved by luzhou laojiao group in recent years were introduced in this paper covering the following aspects : establishment of new fermentation theoretical systems successively including “ in - pits solid fermentation mode of lu - type liquor “ , “ fermentation control by organic acid “ , “ out - pits fermentation to produce aroma “ and “ starter fermentation under anoxic environment “ etc . ; research on solid fermentation of daqu ; research on production techniques of high - grade liquor products 摘要近年來瀘州老窖釀酒科技創新所取得的成果:先后創建了“瀘型固態法白酒窖內發酵模式” 、 “有機酸控制發酵” 、 “窖外發酵生香” 、 “微氧環境曲藥發酵”等新的發酵理論體系;固態大曲發酵的研究;超高檔白酒生產工藝研究。


Two kinds of n - substituted pyrrole ( trimethyl - ( 2 - pyrrol - l - yl - ethyl ) - ammonium iodide and 2 - ( 2 - pyrrol - 1 - yl - ethoxy ) - ethane - sulfonate sodium ) were synt hesized ; poly ( trimethyl - ( 2 - pyrrol - l - yl - ethyl ) - ammonium iodide ) / v2os nanocomposites were synthesized by two methods ( monomer in - situ intercalate polymerization and polymer intercalation in solvent ) . to fabricate vaos sol by melt quenching , oxygen top - blend technique was applied to improve oxygenic part - pressure , decrease the oxygenic anoxic and restrain the increase of v4 + ion when vos was melted . the xos xerogel prepared by the new technique had more complete structure than the vos xerogel which v20s powder was melted in the air 針對以v _ 2o _ 5為原料、熔融淬冷法合成v _ 2o _ 5溶膠、制備v _ 2o _ 5干凝膠薄膜這一方法,提出了在v _ 2o _ 5熔融時運用氧氣頂吹工藝這一思路,目的是增加熔體表面的氧分壓,減少熔體的氧缺損,使v _ 2o _ 5干凝膠的v ~ ( 5 + )離子含量更高、其結構更完整、性能更穩定。

“ anoxia related diseases are the major causes of death in the industrialized world , “ said goran nilsson , a professor at university of oslo . “ evolution has solved the problem of anoxic survival millions of years ago , something that medical science has struggled with for decades with limited success . 挪威奧斯陸大學的高蘭尼爾森教授說: “與缺氧有關的疾病是造成工業化社會人類死亡的主要原因,醫學界對此進行了幾十年研究卻成果甚微,而自然進化卻早幾百萬年前就解決了缺氧存活的問題。 ”

The scientific and technical accomplishments achieved by luzhou laojiao group in recent years were introduced in this paper covering the following aspects : establishment of new fermentation theoretical systems successively including “ in - pits solid fermentation mode of lu - type liquor “ , “ fermentation control by organic acid “ , “ out - pits fermentation to produce aroma “ and “ starter fermentation under anoxic environment “ etc . ; research on solid fermentation of daqu ; research on production techniques of high - grade liquor products 摘要近年來瀘州老窖釀酒科技創新所取得的成果:先后創建了“瀘型固態法白酒窖內發酵模式” 、 “有機酸控制發酵” 、 “窖外發酵生香” 、 “微氧環境曲藥發酵”等新的發酵理論體系;固態大曲發酵的研究;超高檔白酒生產工藝研究。

In 2005 , 61 physical and chemical parameters were measured and analysed in sediments . these included particle size , electrochemical potential as highly anoxic sediment with negative potential is related to organic pollution , chemical oxygen demand which indicates organic pollutants , total sulphide inorganic constituents , source of the unpleasant - smelling gas hydrogen sulphide , 15 metals and metalloids aluminium , arsenic , barium , boron , cadmium , chromium , copper , iron , lead , manganese , mercury , nickel , silver , vanadium and zinc , and trace toxic organics pahs and pcbs - 16 compounds and 18 congeners respectively 2005年,沉積物監測包括分析61種物理及化學參數,其中有粒子大小電化學勢有機污染促使沉積物缺氧,而讓電化學勢呈負數值化學需氧量顯示有機污染程度總硫化物無機物,是造成難聞氣體硫化氫的主因15種金屬及準金屬鋁砷鋇硼鎘鉻銅鐵鉛錳汞鎳銀釩及鋅和痕量毒性有機物多環芳烴及多氯聯苯分別為16種復合物及18種同質物。

Putting the potassium permanganate into the filter can improve its effect , the removal of organics and ammonia is increased , the influent concentration can satisfy the water reuse standard . but the turbidity of influent is unsatisfactory . the c / n ratio is the key factor to influence the nitrogen - removal of the anoxic / aerobic two - stage baf when the reflux ratio 、 hydraulic loading and the ratio of gas to liquid in aerobic filter are fixed . the anoxic / aerobic two - stage baf has a good removal of organics at different c / n ratio when the reflux ratio is 2 , hydraulic loading is 2 . 55m ~ 3 / m ~ 2 ? h and the ratio of gas to liquid in aerobic filter is 3 : 1 . the influent concentration of organics is blow 7mg / l . from the beginning to 30cm of the anoxic filter , the removal of the organics is significant ; as the c / n ratio increasing , the influent concentration of ammonia is decreasing . when the c / n ratio is 3 . 60 , the enfluent concentration of ammonia is 3 . 05mg / l which satisfies the water reuse standard . when the c / n ration is less than 3 . 60 , because of the imperfection 回流比為2 : 1 ,水力負荷為2 . 55m3 / m2 ? h ,好氧柱氣水比為3 : 1時試驗表明:不同的c / n ( 1 . 05 7 . 45 )下,兩級曝氣生物濾池對有機物有很好的去除作用,出水有機物濃度小于7mg / l ,其中在缺氧柱進水端30cm內對有機物的去除最為明顯;隨著c / n的增加,系統出水氨氮濃度降低,當c / n為3 . 60時,出水氨氮濃度降到3 . 05mg / l ,已經滿足回用水的氨氮標準; c / n < 3 . 60時,因為缺氧柱的不完全反硝化,體系中硝酸鹽氮和亞硝酸鹽氮發生積累影響了好氧柱的硝化反應使氨氮降解效果較差;系統對總氮的去除隨著c / n的增加而增加,當c / n為3 . 60時,出水總氮已經降到11 . 18mg / l ,滿足回用水的要求。

Sticking sluggish blood disease high is the pathology that is main show with haemal viscosity heighten is asked for integratedly , blood stream obstruction is increased , flow is decelerated , affect to small artery and blood capillary and small loop especially apparent , cause quantity of constituent blood perfusion to decrease , generation is short of blood anoxic symptom 高粘滯血癥是以血液粘度增高為主要表現的病理綜合征,血流阻力加大,流動減慢,尤其對小動脈和毛細血管及微循環影響明顯,致使組織血液灌注量減少,產生缺血缺氧的癥狀。

The second part of the thesis includes a derivation of reduced order models for the activated sludge process . firstly , the paper introduces the derivation of time - varying linear state - space models for the anoxic part and the aerobic part . secondly , by integrating the anoxic part model with the aerobic part model , we can get the resulting models - a time - varying bilinear state - space model for the activated sludge prenitrification system 為了控制應用的需要,本文首先分別建立了缺氧池和好氧池的時變線性狀態空間模型,然后把好氧池和缺氧池的時變線性狀態空間模型結合起來得到由缺氧和好氧兩部份構成的前硝化活性污泥系統的時變雙線性模型,最后簡單描述了理想狀態下沉淀池的模型。

Heavy metals and organic contaminants are very persistent in marine sediment . sediments in victoria harbour have an elevated organic content and are highly anoxic with low electrochemical potential due to sewage , as well as being contaminated with heavy metals 海洋沉積物內的重金屬及有機污染物一般均難以降解而維持較久,長期以來污水排放使維多利亞港海床沉積物的有機物含量偏高,因而導致沉積物高度缺氧和電化學勢下降,重金屬污染也較嚴重。

Bio - remediation can be achieved in different ways , but in the case of the shing mun river , it involved injecting calcium nitrate into the sediment , thus converting anoxic pollutants into odourless gases such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide , and in the process removing offensive odours 生化處理可以多種形式進行,以城門河為例,處理程序是將硝酸鈣注入沉積物內,使缺氧的污染物轉化為氮或二氧化碳等無臭氣體,從而消減臭味。

The obstacle that circulates as a result of the blood inside anoxic , head , toxic reach calorific wait for the functional as a result that can affect cerebral cell to appear the symptom with neurological even change of convulsions , consciousness 由于缺氧、腦內血液循環的障礙、中毒及發熱等可影響腦細胞的功能以致出現驚厥、神志改變甚至神經系統的癥狀。

Long - term oxygen cure can make pulmonary artery is pressed on average drop apparently , the pulmonary artery when research discovers oxygen cure can make acute anoxic is pressed drop 20 % , chronic and anoxic nowadays falls 18 % 長期氧療可使肺動脈平均壓明顯下降,有研究發現氧療能使急性缺氧時肺動脈壓下降20 % ,慢性缺氧時下降18 % 。

Different waterlogging tolerances of nine rapeseed ( brassica napus l . ) genotypes were investigated after germinating seed anoxic stress for 12h and spring field waterlogging for l0d 摘要9個不同遺傳背景的甘藍型油菜品種(系)在室內進行發芽種子水淹和春季田間模擬濕害條件下,研究油菜對濕害脅迫的耐濕遺傳差異。

Internal medicine medications can alleviate temporarily only angina pectoris symptom , cannot from go up at all solve the cardiac muscle that causes by coronary artery stricture to be short of blood , anoxic 內科藥物治療只能暫時緩解心絞痛癥狀,不能從根本上解決由冠狀動脈狹窄引起的心肌缺血、缺氧。

In addition , with a mountainous area and inland , long - term anoxic , lack a few microelement ( if be short of iodic ) , affect adolescent to grow thereby growth level , also have particular concern 此外,與內地、山區長期缺氧、缺乏一些微量元素(如缺碘) ,從而影響青少年生長發育水平,也有一定關系。

The yellow and black - seeded rapeseed lines ( brassica napus l . ) were selected randomly to test the flood tolerance during seed germination in the anoxic condition 摘要隨機選取甘藍型黃籽、黑籽油菜各20個品系,將萌發中的種子進行淹水缺氧處理,觀察黃籽、黑籽品系耐濕性表現。

With rapid burial in a moist anoxic environment , such as the coal swamps of the carboniferous period , carbonaceaous films of plant material like fern fronds may survive 迅速埋藏于潮濕的缺氧環境下,正如媒在石炭紀沉沒,類似蕨類植物的含碳植物材料即可能存活下來。

The denitrifying dephosphatation processes were developed based on the p - uptake capability of the denitrifying phosphorus removal bacteria ( dpb ) under anoxic condition 摘要反硝化除磷工藝是根據反硝化聚磷菌( dpb )的攝磷特點而開發的新型生物脫氮除磷工藝。