
another adj.1.又一,另一。2.別的,另外的。3.類似的。短...


Hardly has one wave subsided when another rises .. 一波未平,一波又起。

For the love of god , not another bill ! 看在上帝的份上,別再來賬單了。

Since this method does n't work , let 's try another . 我們試試另一個。

Would you care for another piece of cake ? 您再來一塊蛋糕好嗎?

He followed this with another horselaugh . 他說完這話又粗聲大笑了一陣。

They surmount one crag after another . 他們登上一塊又一塊的峭壁。

Another paper was on church reform . 另一份奏章是關于教會改革的。

I am made a great fool of, one way and another . 我真鬧了個里外不是人。

There 's another thing i have to say . 除此以外,我還有件事要講。

Another is the huge research library . 另一座是巨大的學術圖書館。

This room communicates with another room . 這間屋子和另外一間屋子相通。

Marie found another called thorium . 瑪麗發現了另一種物質,叫釷。

I will have another glass if you insist . 你硬要勸我,我只好再喝一杯。

One after another they sailed to ithaca . 他們相繼來船駛往伊薩卡。

There is a chance to dispose of another 100 tons . 還有可能再賣100噸。

There is always one thing to conquer [overcome] another . 一物降一物。

He was doomed to undergo another misery . 他注定要經歷另一場痛苦。

He was hurt , and another player replaced him ... 另一個選手取代了他。

We had another no-win situation . 我們還有一個令人左右為難的情況。