
anorexia n.【醫學】食欲缺乏,厭食。

Mario boselli , head of the italian fashion industry ' s chamber of commerce , said anorexia was a “ rare phenomenon “ in the fashion business 意大利時裝產業商會的馬里奧博塞利說,在時裝界,患厭食癥是“極個別”的現象。

Mario boselli , head of the italian fashion industry ' s chamber of commerce , said anorexia was a “ rare phenomenon “ in the fashion business 意大利時裝產業商會的馬里奧?博塞利說,在時裝界,患厭食癥是“極個別”的現象。

anorexia nervosa

Three patients died from suicide and severe malnutrition respectively , giving a death rate that is 10 times higher than local females of the same age but without anorexia nervosa 患者死亡率較同齡女性高出十倍,她們的情緒、骨質、面部、口腔、牙齒或手部都出現后遺癥。

Bulimia nerosa , when a person binges and omits , is two to fie times more common than anorexia nerosa , when someone restricts their intake of food and drink , she said 她還指出:精神性貪食患者(暴飲暴食然后嘔吐)大約是精神性厭食者(限制食物和飲料的攝入)的2 - 5倍。

This month brazil launched a campaign to ban under - age , underweight models from shows in response to the death of a brazilian model from complications due to anorexia 由于一個巴西模特因厭食癥而死去,巴西這個月舉行了禁止了未成年、不夠體重的模特參加時裝秀的活動。

It is estimated that approximately one in every 100 australian adolescent girls will develop anorexia nervosa , and approximately five in 100 australians develop bulimia 據估計,在澳大利亞大約有1 %的青春期少女都有神經性厭食癥,而大約有5的澳大利亞人患有貪食癥。

What ' s more , there ' s evidence from brain - imaging research that the distorted body image associated with anorexia may be related to dysfunction in the brain ' s right hemisphere 此外,腦部影像研究也有證據顯示,與厭食癥相關的扭曲身體意象,或許與右腦官能障礙有關。

Dengue fever is clinically characterised by sudden onset of high fever , severe headache , pain behind the eyes , muscle and joint pains , anorexia , nausea and rash 登革熱的病徵包括突發的高燒嚴重頭痛眼窩后疼痛肌肉及關節痛食欲不振嘔心及出疹。

If anorexia is the scourge of teenage girls , it ' s the desperate desire to grow muscles and bulk up that affects teenage boys 愛美是人的天性,女子愛瘦身,而男子亦夢想有一身健碩的身型,這種思想原來早已根種在年青一族腦海中。

Dr . chatoor went on to explain that children with infantile anorexia are very curious and playful and dislike being interrupted to eat 查圖爾博士進一步解釋說: “患厭食癥的嬰幼兒是很古怪調皮的,不喜歡別人干擾他的進食。

Mario boselli , head of the italian fashion industry ' s chamber of commerce , said anorexia was a “ rare phenomenon “ in the fashion business 意大利時裝產業商會的馬里奧博塞利說,在時裝界,患厭食癥是“極個別”的現象。

Mario boselli , head of the italian fashion industry ' s chamber of commerce , said anorexia was a “ rare phenomenon “ in the fashion business 意大利時裝產業商會的馬里奧?博塞利說,在時裝界,患厭食癥是“極個別”的現象。

The common adverse reactions are nausea , dry mouth , insomnia , dizziness , constipation , anorexia , fatigue , sleepiness and so on 常見不良反應為:惡心、口干、失眠、頭暈、便秘、食欲減退、乏力及嗜睡等。

Other eating disorders can include some combination of the signs and symptoms of anorexia , bulimia , and / or binge eating disorder 其他飲食紊亂包括那些具有厭食,貪食,暴食飲食紊亂跡象的行為。

Products not only help people to loste weight , it actually helped a lot od underweight or anorexia people 其實產品不只是幫助要減肥的人,當中也幫助過不少過輕與厭食癥搏斗得死去活來的人。

Symptoms of a thiamine deficiency include anorexia ( complete loss of appetite ) , abnormal posture , weakness , and even death 癥狀包括厭食(完全失去胃口) ,反常舉止,虛弱甚至死亡。

He developed flu - like symptoms with a temperature of 39 . 4 deg c , generalised malaise , headache and anorexia 他出現流感樣癥狀,包括體溫39 . 4 ,全身不適,頭痛和食欲減退。

Clinical study on jinjukaiwei granules in treating anorexia spleen fails to transport and transform syndrome in children 金橘開胃顆粒劑治療小兒厭食脾失健運證臨床研究

Clinical observation on 80 cases of infantile anorexia treated with combination of acupuncture with acupoint - injection 針刺配合穴注治療小兒厭食癥80例臨床觀察