
anorak n.(嚴寒地帶人所穿)帶風帽的厚茄克,皮猴。


Danielle : i like your new anorak , it looks really expensive , where did you get it - in that upscale sports shop in the mall 丹尼利:我喜歡你這件連帽夾克,看來很昂貴,在哪里買的?是不是購物中心那家高級運動用品店?

The zip on my anorak has got stuck 我的皮猴上的拉鏈卡住了

His anorak has stood him in good stead this winter 他這件帶兜帽的夾克在今年冬天對他很有用。

My anorak have stand me in good stead this winter 我這件皮猴兒今年冬天可幫了大忙了。