
anopheles n.【動物;動物學】瘧蚊屬。

anopheles mosquito

An infectious disease characterized by cycles of chills , fever , and sweating , caused by the parasitic infection of red blood cells by a protozoan of the genus plasmodium , which is transmitted by the bite of an infected female anopheles mosquito 瘧疾一種傳染性疾病,癥狀為周期性地感到冷、熱和發汗,病因是寄生于紅血球的一種瘧原蟲屬原生動物,這種動物通過已感染病菌的雌性瘧蚊傳播。

Recently native genes hindering malaria multiplication within anopheles mosquitoes have been identified , and genetically reengineered strains of several important species are now on the drawing board 最近已經從瘧蚊身上找到了原本就可以抑制瘧原蟲復制的基因,而現在正在規劃改造為幾種重要蚊子的基因。

To prove the point , his team is breeding millions of anopheles mosquitoes ( pictured above ) and infecting them with malaria - causing parasites 為了證明他的想法可行,他的研究組開始培養數百萬的瘧蚊(如上圖所示)并將它們感染引起瘧疾的寄生蟲。

Malaria is caused by protozoan parasites which thrie in humans and are passed between them by female anopheles mosquitoes 瘧疾由瘧原蟲引起,這種原蟲在人體內繁殖,并通過雌性按蚊傳播。

Sequence differences of second internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal dna in anopheles minimus 內轉錄間隔2區序列差異

An infected female anopheles mosquito's saliva contains great numbers of the form of the parasite known as the sporozoite . 在感染了的雌瘧蚊的唾液里,含有大量叫作子孢子的瘧原蟲。