
anonymous adj.1.匿名的;無名的;假名的。2.無個性特征的。短...

“ and how was the anonymous letter written ? “那封匿名信的筆跡是怎么樣的? ”

Applications of theorem 2 can be found in the anonymous hebrew mystical work “sefer yetzirah“ (the book of creation) . 定理2的應用可以在佚名的希伯萊神秘著作《SeferYetzirah》(創造集)中找到。


Specifies that the client is anonymous to the server 指定客戶端對于服務器是匿名的。

Generally , the anonymous complaint is not acceptable 一般不受理匿名投訴。

Using the anonymous uri is equivalent to not using the 使用匿名uri就相當于根本不使用

For most of history , anonymous was a woman 歷史上的絕大多數“無名氏”都是一個女人。

Statement cannot appear in an anonymous method 語句不能出現在匿名方法中。

She shouldn ' t be an anonymous college graduate 她不應該是一個默默無聞的大學畢業生

The default value of this property is anonymous 此屬性的默認值為“匿名” 。

For example , let s say you use the anonymous uri in the 例如,讓我們假設您在

You shouid join gambier ' s anonymous or something 你應該參加賭徒的匿名機構或者別的

Rule applies to , select anonymous users 在“規則應用于”下選擇“匿名用戶” 。

He received anonymous letters uttering threats against him 他收到匿名恐嚇,

Research and prospect of anonymous communication 匿名通信技術的研究現狀與展望

Unlinked anonymous screening on blood urine samples 非聯系不記名血液尿液樣本測試

It is unpleasant to receive anonymous letters 接到匿名信是一件令人不快的事。

Notice : no anonymous e - mail will be processed 注意:任何匿名電郵將不獲本會處理。

“ and how was the anonymous letter written ? “那封匿名信的筆跡是怎么樣的? ”

Specifies whether anonymous identification is enabled 指定是否啟用匿名標識。