
anonymity n.匿名,無名。 men hiding behind a...

“ we have the original voice recordings of the soldiers , “ razavi told afp . “ but their anonymity has to be guaranteed . 我們有士兵的原始錄音,哈扎維向法新社表示。但必須確保身分不會曝光。


There , he got away from his busy winter , slipping back into the anonymity he likes while getting into what he called the best shape of his life 他在那里離開了他忙碌的冬天,重回默默無名,他喜歡他的生活能夠一直這樣。

While visiting south china , he once went into a teahouse with his companions . in order to preserve his anonymity , he took his turn at pouring tea 當您看到飲茶者用三根手指拍打桌面時,代表他向斟茶的人致謝!

Scammers use the same techniques as legitimate companies , but hide behind the anonymity of the internet to deceive their victims 騙徒在網上匿藏身分,使用如同合法公司的策略,每年企圖訛騙成千上萬的人。

Finally , the “ scope ” of the typification - and thereby its anonymity - can be further increased by speaking of “ british public opinion ” 最后,這個典型的?圍?藉由它的匿名性?就擴大稱為”英國的民意” 。

His life was the embodiment2 ) of one who moves from rags to riches , from anonymity to internationally imitated innovator 他的生涯是一個人從貧窮到富有,從默默無聞到成為全球效仿的創新者的具體體現。

Where the senders requested anonymity , we respect their wishes and have removed their names from the relevant submissions 如當事人要求以不具名方式表達意見,我們也按其意愿,把當事人的署名刪除。

The doubt ? and the remaining obstacle to digital money ? concerns a third property of cash : its anonymity 但是人們也存有這樣的疑慮? ?且是電子貨幣使用中唯一留存的障礙? ?關于現金的第三優勢:其匿名性。

“ we have the original voice recordings of the soldiers , “ razavi told afp . “ but their anonymity has to be guaranteed . 我們有士兵的原始錄音,哈扎維向法新社表示。但必須確保身分不會曝光。

The second part researches the confidentiality and anonymity of mobile agent from their internal structure 本文的第二部分從秘密性和匿名性兩個方面研究從移動agent內部實現其安全性保護問題。

Invisible irc project - iip ( invisible irc project ) is internet relay chat privacy software designed for anonymity and security 是出于匿名性和安全性的需要而開發的在線聊天系統私有軟件。

The officer spoke to cnn under the condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to discuss the case publicly 因為未被授權公開討論該調查,這名軍官在確保匿名的條件下與cnn交談。

Without anonymity , he says , unwanted advertisers or other hackers could tap into users ' personal information 他說,沒有匿名,不速之客或黑客就可以得到用戶的私人信息。

Details of the directors appear on the public file but anonymity can be retained by the use of third party professionals 公司名稱必須以limited或其縮寫ltd作為結束語。

Then the blind schnorr signature scheme is improved to satisfy the demands of anonymity - revoke 同時對盲schnorr簽名進行改進,使其能夠滿足匿名性撤銷的需要。

Now that anonymity is no longer possible , there has been a huge decline in the number willing to donate 現在匿名捐獻已經不可能了,自愿捐獻的人數少了很多。

Prof . charles francis xavier : anonymity is the mutant ' s first defense against the world ' s hostility 匿名是變態(突變體)反對世界對其戰爭(敵意)的第一道防御。

That anonymity creates a phoney equality , which puts cranks and experts on the same footing 這樣的匿名造成一種把怪人和專家放在同樣的地位的虛假的平等。

Passengers climbed in , sat behind me in total anonymity , and told me about their lives 乘客們爬進車里,坐在我后面,素不相識,然后給我講述他們的生活。