
anonym n.1.匿名(作)者,無名氏。2.假名。


The users are managed based on roles and grades , the types of users are : anonym , student , teacher and administrator , implement secure management by setting access control privilege specially 用戶管理采用基于角色的分級管理模式。將用戶主要分為匿名用戶、學生、教師和管理員四種類型,通過對其分別設置訪問控制權限來實現安全訪問和管理。

Do not have what problem with anonym word usually , but the telephone number that uses others and company name are illegimate , if do not have , cause what loss is without what big question to others nevertheless 一般情況下用假名字沒有什么問題,但是用別人的電話號碼和公司名稱是不合法的,不過假如沒有給別人造成什么損失是沒有什么大問題的。

The citizen applies for building droit to register , must use census register full name , do not get use alias , alias or anonym 公民申請房屋所有權登記,必須使用戶籍姓名,不得使用化名、別名或假名。