
anon adv.〔古語〕1.即刻,立即。2.不久。3.下次再。短...

“ we shall have thee there anon ! “我們下一次再在那兒見吧! ”


Thus engaged , he appeared , sitting in his own recess , quiet and absorbed enough ; but that blue eye of his had a habit of leaving the outlandish - looking grammar , and wandering over , and sometimes fixing upon us , his fellow - students , with a curious intensity of observation : if caught , it would be instantly withdrawn ; yet ever and anon , it returned searchingly to our table 他似乎就這么忙著,坐在自己的角落里,安靜而投入。不過他的藍眼睛慣于離開看上去稀奇古怪的語法,轉來轉去,有時會出奇地緊盯著我們這些同學,一與別人的目光相通就會立即收斂,但不時又回過來搜索我們的桌子。

An acclimatised britisher he had seen that summer eve from the footplate of an engine cab of the loop line railway company while the rain refrained from falling glimpses , as it were , through the windows of loveful households in dublin city and urban district of scenes truly rural of happiness of the better land with dockrell s wallpaper at one and ninepence a dozen , innocent british born bairns lisping prayers to the sacred infant , youthful scholars grappling with their pensums , model young ladies playing on the pianoforte or anon all with fervour reciting the family rosary round the crackling yulelog while in the boreens and green lanes the colleens with their swains strolled what times the strains of the organtoned melodeon britannia metalbound with four acting stops and twelvefold bellows , a sacrifice , greatest bargain ever . . 那個夏天的傍晚,當雨住了的時候,他站在環行線鐵道公司機豐駕駛室的踏板上,隔著都柏林市內和郊區那些恩愛之家的窗戶,瞥見幸福的地地道道牧歌式的鄉間生活,墻上糊的是由多克雷爾120店里買來的每打一先令九便士的墻紙。這里,在英國出生的天真爛漫的娃娃們,口不清地對圣嬰作著禱告年輕學子們拼死拼活地用著功模范的淑女們彈著鋼琴,或圍著噼噼啪啪燃燒著的那截圣誕夜圓木,闔家念誦玫瑰經。

I went on with my day s business tranquilly ; but ever and anon vague suggestions kept wandering across my brain of reasons why i should quit thornfield ; and i kept involuntarily framing advertisements and pondering conjectures about new situations : these thoughts i did not think it necessary to check ; they might germinate and bear fruit if they could 我平靜地干著一天的工作。不過腦海中時時隱約閃過我要離開桑菲爾德的理由,我不由自主地設計起廣告,預測起新的工作來。這些想法,我沒有必要去制止,它們也許會生根發芽,還可能結出果子來。

The system capture the network packet with the help of winpcap , then analysis the packet , mainly analysis ip , tcp , udp and icmp protocol , and then display the data and store the data into the logs that may be analysed anon . and i design a intrusion detection language , and realize a intrusion detection database . after the network packet was captured , it match the packet 其主要流程是數據包捕獲模塊運用winpcap抓取網絡數據包,然后對數據包進行協議分析,主要分析了ip , tcp , udp , icmp協議,并且按照數據包的協議類型顯示數據,并把數據記錄在日志文件中供以后分析使用,同時設計了一個簡單的入侵描述語言,根據該語言的規則建立了一個入侵特征數據庫,讓已抓獲的數據包與入侵特征數據庫中的規則進行匹配,如果匹配成功,則說明有異常行為發生,否則,則說明行為正常。

According as the shifting obscurity and flickering gleam hovered here or glanced there , it was now the bearded physician , luke , that bent his brow ; now st . john s long hair that waved ; and anon the devilish face of judas , that grew out of the panel , and seemed gathering life and threatening a revelation of the arch - traitor - ofsatan himself - in his subordinate s form 游移的暗影和閃爍的光芒在四處浮動和跳躍,我一會兒看到了胡子醫生路加垂著頭一會兒看到了圣約翰飄動的長發不久又看到了猶大魔鬼似的面孔,在嵌板上突現出來,似乎漸漸地有了生命,眼看就要以最大的背叛者撒旦的化身出現。

In the last part , the author gives a further study in the relation between two pledge rights and between the pledge rights and angle of the kegal relation of the pledge rights , the base price of the pledge rights anon the pubic showing methods of the pledge rights . at the same time , the author introduces the different classification of the pledge rights , and lays emphasis on the comparison between the business pledge rights and the general pledge rights , and also , in this part , throngh the explanation of the history and function of the pledge rights , the author illustrates the importance and necessarity of the system of the pledge rights 第五,就質權與質權之間,質權與抵押權之問的關系作了進一步的論述和研討。在論述質權與質權的關系時,認為在一定條件下同一質物可以成立數個質權,只要質物的價值大于原先所擔保的債權苑圍,出質人即可再行設質,但在請償順序上一般以有效成立的先后順序來確定。轉質權和善意取得的質權是例外。

No , she repeated , and continued sauntering on , pausing , at intervals , to muse over a bit of moss , or a tuft of blanched grass , or a fungus spreading its bright orange among the heaps of brown foliage ; and , ever and anon , her hand was lifted to her averted face “不, ”她又說,繼續向前閑蕩著,間或停下來,望著一點青苔,或一叢變白的草,或是在棕黃色的成堆的葉子中間散布著鮮艷的橘黃色的菌沉思著,時不時地,她的手總是抬起到她那扭轉過去的臉上去。

When great masses of stone and timber fell , the face with the two dints in the nose became obscured : anon struggled out of the smoke again , as if it were the face of the cruel marquis , burning at the stake and contending with the fire 鼻于上有小窩的石雕人面被埋掉了,可隨后又從煙火里露了出來,儼然成了那殘酷的侯爵的臉他正在火刑柱上挨燒,在烈火中輾轉掙扎。

The time seemed long ; the guide ever and anon left them to take an observation on the edge of the wood , but the guards watched steadily by the glare of the torches , and a dim light crept through the windows of the pagoda 對他們說來,時間似乎是過得太慢了!向導不時地離開他們到森林邊上偵察動靜。土王衛兵一直在火炬的照耀下來回巡視。

He stood by the fire , his back towards me , just finishing a stormy scene to poor zillah ; who ever and anon interrupted her labour to pluck up the corner of her apron , and heave an indignant groan 他站在火邊,背朝著我。由于剛剛對可憐的拉發過一場脾氣,她時不時地放下工作,拉起圍裙角,發出氣憤的哼哼聲。

He stood by the fire , his back towards me , just finishing a stormy scene with poor zillah ; who ever and anon interrupted her labour to pluck up the corner of her apron , and heave an indignant groan 他發現了,用他的鐵鏟頭戳開一扇里門,口齒不清的說,如果我要換個地方的話,那才是我該去的地方。

The company has strong technical force and excellent quality products . so has the capability of material spinning weaving dyeing & printing finishing in anon - stop process 本公司技術力量雄厚,產品質量上乘,具有從原料- - -織造- - -印染- - -整理等針織制品的一條龍生產能力。

What creature was it , that , masked in an ordinary woman s face and shape , uttered the voice , now of a mocking demon , and anon of a carrion - seeking bird of prey 究竟是什么畜生,以普通女人的面貌和體態偽裝自己,發出的聲音一會兒象假冒的魔鬼,一會兒像覓腐尸而食的猛禽?

Martin , who was extremely strong - headed , marvelled at the other s capacity for liquor , and ever and anon broke off to marvel at the other s conversation 馬丁酒量大,對方的酒量卻也叫他絕倒。而對方的談吐更不時地叫他吃驚,停杯諦聽。

Day by day thou art making me worthy of thy full acceptance by refusing me ever and anon , saving me from perils of weak , uncertain desire 一天天地,你不斷拒絕我,讓我更配你完全的接納,把我從軟弱動搖的欲望之險中拯救出來。

But ever and anon his childish prattle recurred to what impressed his imagination even more deeply than the wonders of creation 不過畢竟他只是一個孩子,所以他的嘮叨就又回到了比創造的奇跡更為深入的想象的話題上了。

Otitis media with anon ( ome ) is a common disease in children , which has definite impact on speech , cognition and behaviour in children 摘要分泌性中耳炎是兒童常見疾病之一,對兒童的言語認知行為方面有一定的影響。

He is slow to anger , but when provoked , anon and his archons punish enemies with awesome force 阿農不容易被激怒,但如果誰做到了,那他將受到阿農與執政官一起的強大力量的審判。