
anomie n.(社會)反常狀態;混亂;(不顧準則和法紀的)無法無天...

Propositions of “ socialization theories “ suggested from the level of the educational system : ( 1 ) the degree of integration to the education mode has influence on integration to the result of socialization ; ( 2 ) the degree of anomie to the education mode has influence on the degree of anomie socialization ; ( 3 ) the conflict degree to th 教育系統層面“社會化理論”命題: ( 1 )教育模式的整合程度影響社會化結果的整合; ( 2 )教育模式的夫范程度影響失范型社會化危機程度; ( 3 )教育模式的沖突程度影響沖突型社會化危機程度。

Propositions of “ socialization theories “ suggested from the level of the social system : ( 1 ) the degree of integration to the socialization mode has influence on integration of socialization ; ( 2 ) the degree of anomie to the socialization mode has influence on the degree of anomie socialization ; ( 3 ) the degree of conflict to the socialization mode has influence on the crisis degree of the conflict socialization 社會系統層面“社會化理論”命題: ( 1 )社會化模式的整合程度影響社會化結果的整合。 ( 2 )社會化模式的失范程度影響失范型社會化危機程度; ( 3 )社會化模式的沖突程度影響沖突型社會化危機程度。

So after setting forth the construction and usage of anomie and code and so on relativities , it advances that “ anomie “ should be a vision angle in the study of the problems of urban space ' s change . secondly , through reviewing several large scale change of urban space happened in history , it reveals that anomie of space is a necessity of history . furthermore , during the analyzing the process of the type change of the society , it finds out the value tendency of the anomie in urban space 首先簡單梳理了自“失范”被提出來以后的相關理論,在詳細闡述了規范和失范等相關概念的構成、作用的基礎上,明確提出了城市空間失范的具體物質表現特征;其次,在借鑒庫恩范式變遷理論的基礎上,提出了失范對于城市空間的作用,認為“失范”應該作為研究城市空間變遷問題的一個視角;最后,簡單回顧了歷史上出現的幾次大規模的城市空間變遷過程,揭示空間失范的歷史必然性,并在對當前社會轉型過程的分析中明晰城市空間失范的價值走向。

Proceeding with tow levels , that is inter - value authorities and outer materiel form of urban space , the dissertation discusses the historical conditions , main features , reality reasons and future tendencies of today ' s anomie building of urban space . furthermore , it reveals the positive aspect of “ anomie in urban space “ . meanwhile , it develops styles and ideas of planning , which are advanced from the angle of avoiding or taking advantage of anomie 籍此,從城市空間內涵的價值秩序與外顯的物質形態兩個層面討論當前城市空間失范建設的歷史條件、主要特征、現實原因及未來走向,揭示城市空間失范的正面啟示意義;同時從規避和利用空間失范的角度提出相應的規劃設計模式與理念對策,并就具體案例做了范例性解釋與說明。

4 . china in periods of 1957 - 1976 appears “ the disintegration of the political - collective - valued socialization mode “ , that is , “ the socialization integration of the political anomie “ bringing about “ the socialization crisis of the political anomie “ 1957 - 1976年間中國出現“政治型群體取向社會化模式的瓦解” ,可以概括為“政治失范型社會化模式” ,產生“政治失范型社會化危機” 。

The modern china witnesses “ the disintegration of the ethical - collective - valued socialization mode “ , that is , “ the socialization mode of the ethical anomie “ causing “ the socialization crisis of the ethical anomie “ 近代中國出現“倫理型群體取向社會化模式的瓦解” ,可以概括為“倫理失范型社會化模式” ,出現“倫理失范型社會化危機” 。

Because of social anomie , deviance culture and the weakening of social control , peasant deviance generalizes , collective deviant behavior increases , and peasant deviant behavior shows “ modern style “ 社會失范、越軌文化的習得、社會控制的弱化等原因,導致農民越軌行為泛化,集體越軌行為增多,農民越軌行為呈現“現代型”特征。


Propositions of “ socialization theories “ suggested from the level of the educational system : ( 1 ) the degree of integration to the education mode has influence on integration to the result of socialization ; ( 2 ) the degree of anomie to the education mode has influence on the degree of anomie socialization ; ( 3 ) the conflict degree to th 教育系統層面“社會化理論”命題: ( 1 )教育模式的整合程度影響社會化結果的整合; ( 2 )教育模式的夫范程度影響失范型社會化危機程度; ( 3 )教育模式的沖突程度影響沖突型社會化危機程度。

Propositions of “ socialization theories “ suggested from the level of the social system : ( 1 ) the degree of integration to the socialization mode has influence on integration of socialization ; ( 2 ) the degree of anomie to the socialization mode has influence on the degree of anomie socialization ; ( 3 ) the degree of conflict to the socialization mode has influence on the crisis degree of the conflict socialization 社會系統層面“社會化理論”命題: ( 1 )社會化模式的整合程度影響社會化結果的整合。 ( 2 )社會化模式的失范程度影響失范型社會化危機程度; ( 3 )社會化模式的沖突程度影響沖突型社會化危機程度。

The thesis studied urban and culture in objective space - time . through analysis the traits of modernity ’ s space - time , it proved that the integrated space - time system witch make up of globalization and regional space - time is the basic background of urban development . the study concluded that anomie of space - time is just the reason of urban space and traits get lost 論文秉持文化相對論的觀點,主張將城市及其文化落實到地域現實的時空環境中進行研究,通過現代性時空維度的分析,認為由全球化的抽象時空與地域性的現實時空所構成的復合時空維度,是當前我國城市發展的基本生存語境,而地域時空維度的轉型與整合是城市文化觀念異化和城市特色缺失的本質原因之一。

So after setting forth the construction and usage of anomie and code and so on relativities , it advances that “ anomie “ should be a vision angle in the study of the problems of urban space ' s change . secondly , through reviewing several large scale change of urban space happened in history , it reveals that anomie of space is a necessity of history . furthermore , during the analyzing the process of the type change of the society , it finds out the value tendency of the anomie in urban space 首先簡單梳理了自“失范”被提出來以后的相關理論,在詳細闡述了規范和失范等相關概念的構成、作用的基礎上,明確提出了城市空間失范的具體物質表現特征;其次,在借鑒庫恩范式變遷理論的基礎上,提出了失范對于城市空間的作用,認為“失范”應該作為研究城市空間變遷問題的一個視角;最后,簡單回顧了歷史上出現的幾次大規模的城市空間變遷過程,揭示空間失范的歷史必然性,并在對當前社會轉型過程的分析中明晰城市空間失范的價值走向。

Behavioral finance theory is the newly - emerged theory since the eighties of the 20th century . it broadly absorbs the findings of psychology , sociology , anthropology , especially the study of behavioral decision , and observes the determination and variation of the asset price from a new perspective . it tries to reveal the formation of asset price and the actual decision process of investors and can reasonably explain some anomies , therefore it has become the most active theories in the field of capital market 行為金融理論( behavioralfinance )是80年代以來興起的理論,它廣泛吸收心理學、社會學、人類學,尤其是行為決策研究的成果,跳出了傳統資本市場理論的框架,以一種新的視角來考察資本市場價格的決定及其變動,試圖揭開證券價格如何形成及投資者的實際決策過程這一“黑箱” ,它較圓滿地解釋了資本市場中的一些異常現象,因此自90年代來行為金融理論在資本市場領域成為最為活躍的理論之一。

During the period of the social reformation , the government , capital , professional force and public force act together to influence urban space . their restriction on one another , which not only results in the appearance of anomie , but also influences its strength and frequency . based on that , anomie can be divided into form anomie , space anomie and culture anomie 在社會轉型時期,政府、資本、專業力量和公眾力量作為影響城市空間的四大力量,相互制約、平衡,直接導致城市空間失范的產生,也影響了失范現象發生的強度與頻率。

Proceeding with tow levels , that is inter - value authorities and outer materiel form of urban space , the dissertation discusses the historical conditions , main features , reality reasons and future tendencies of today ' s anomie building of urban space . furthermore , it reveals the positive aspect of “ anomie in urban space “ . meanwhile , it develops styles and ideas of planning , which are advanced from the angle of avoiding or taking advantage of anomie 籍此,從城市空間內涵的價值秩序與外顯的物質形態兩個層面討論當前城市空間失范建設的歷史條件、主要特征、現實原因及未來走向,揭示城市空間失范的正面啟示意義;同時從規避和利用空間失范的角度提出相應的規劃設計模式與理念對策,并就具體案例做了范例性解釋與說明。

4 . china in periods of 1957 - 1976 appears “ the disintegration of the political - collective - valued socialization mode “ , that is , “ the socialization integration of the political anomie “ bringing about “ the socialization crisis of the political anomie “ 1957 - 1976年間中國出現“政治型群體取向社會化模式的瓦解” ,可以概括為“政治失范型社會化模式” ,產生“政治失范型社會化危機” 。

The modern china witnesses “ the disintegration of the ethical - collective - valued socialization mode “ , that is , “ the socialization mode of the ethical anomie “ causing “ the socialization crisis of the ethical anomie “ 近代中國出現“倫理型群體取向社會化模式的瓦解” ,可以概括為“倫理失范型社會化模式” ,出現“倫理失范型社會化危機” 。

Because of social anomie , deviance culture and the weakening of social control , peasant deviance generalizes , collective deviant behavior increases , and peasant deviant behavior shows “ modern style “ 社會失范、越軌文化的習得、社會控制的弱化等原因,導致農民越軌行為泛化,集體越軌行為增多,農民越軌行為呈現“現代型”特征。

People are not short of cognition on the anomie of academic morality in universities , but the cognition is usually confined to superficial & experiential cognition and lacks the right depth 雖然對大學學術道德失范的危害性人們不乏認識,但是,這種認識大多是限于經驗性的初淺的認識,缺乏應有的深度。

Comparative study on teachers ' professional morality anomie in primary and secondary schools of villages , counties and over medium - sized cities 縣城及中等以上城市中小學教師職業道德失范的比較研究