
anomalous adj.不規則的,異常的,反常的。adv.-ly ,-n...

The “pre-seismic anomalous activity“ is a relatively short burst . “震前異常活動”是一種比較短暫的突發事件。

anomalous finite verb

Study on the relation between the crustal digital deformation term anomalous of the teiling seismic station and earthquakes 鐵嶺臺數字形變短期異常與地震的關系探討

O . it refers to the anomalous cooling of the seas over the central and eastern equatorial pacific 與厄爾尼諾剛相反,拉尼娜代表赤道太平洋東部和中部海水持續偏冷。

Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery ( alcapa syndrome ) is a rare disease 摘要左冠狀動脈異常起端于肺動脈為一罕見的疾病。

Anomalous propagation of electromagnetic wave results in more flexible use of weapon system 摘要電磁波異常傳播,使武器裝備的作戰使用更加靈活機動。

Rossi then moved on to comment about the current campaign , which he admits has been anomalous 羅西在談到目前整個聯賽形勢時,用了非同尋常這個詞。

The fractal is a disciplinarian subject that describes many anomalous things in the mature 分形是一門描述自然界中許多不規則事物的規律性的學科。

Rossi then moved on to comment about the current campaign , which he admits has been anomalous 隨后羅西轉而評論起了目前他認為很不尋常的聯賽

Anomalous fluctuation and water - quantity disequilibrium in groundwater resources development 地下水資源開發過程中的異常漲落和水量失調期

Anomalous feature of earthquake swarm degree value cv and its application to earthquake prediction 值的異常特征及其在地震預報中的應用

Anomalous mixed crystal 反常混晶

Anomalous magnetic moment 異常磁矩

Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery : report on 10 cases 左冠狀動脈起源于肺動脈的臨床分析

Anomalous group - velocity 異常群速度

This anomalous result showed up regardless of the patient ' s primary diagnosis 不論病人主要診斷的毛病為何,都出現這項失常。

Anomalous zeeman effect 反常塞曼效應

The results showed that the process of zn - in alloy belonged to anomalous co - deposition 鋅銦合金電沉積屬于異常共沉積。

Anomalous x - ray pulsar 不規則x射線脈沖星

Anomalous stream sediment 異常水系沉積物