
anomalistic adj.1.異常的,不規則的。2.【天文學】近點的。ad...

The results showed that there was anomalistic crystal whose size reached nanometer grade in fine pvc ; it ' s about 80nm . the crystal structure was damaged by jet - milling , which induced the melting point of nanocrystal pvc decreased from 210 “ c to 128 擄 c . the nanocrystal pvc induced the decrease . of plasicizing time and equilibrium torque and the increase of maximal torque , which showed that the nanocrystal pvc had self - plasticization in pvc composites 通過sem 、 tem 、 ftir和dsc測試表明:氣流粉碎制得的pvc微粉中具有不規則納米晶體,尺寸在80nm左右;氣流粉碎破壞了pvc的晶體結構,使納米晶pvc的熔點從210下降到128 ;納米晶pvc使體系塑化時間、平衡轉距降低、最大轉距升高,具有自增塑作用;納米晶pvc的加入使pvc的沖擊和拉伸強度都有大幅度上升。

anomalistic month

There is qinghai spruce scattered in south slope and southwest slope . qinghai spruce is most anomalistic in patch distribute , is small in mean patch area and is close to each other . so , qinghai spruce is easy to suffer disturbance and converse succession which lead to the function of forest ecosystem degenerate 作為具有重要涵養水源功能的青海云杉林,大多分布在海拔2550 - 3000m的陰坡和半陰坡,陽坡有零星分布,其斑塊形狀最為不規則,平均斑塊面積小而距離近,容易受到各種干擾而造成逆向演替,使森林生態系統發生功能退化,從而影響水源涵養。

In the thesis , we take the virtual representation of anomalistic geometrical objects with stochastic characteristic as main contents , such as the geometrical modeling of fire wave fog and cloud 3d terrain , etc . . these kinds of natural scenes do not have regular shape , but have stochastic and self - similar characteristic 論文以虛擬現實系統中帶隨機性質的不規則物體的虛擬表現為主要內容,著重對虛擬環境中的火焰、水波、煙云、三維地形等不規則自然景物的幾何建模進行研究。

The results showed that there was anomalistic crystal whose size reached nanometer grade in fine pvc ; it ' s about 80nm . the crystal structure was damaged by jet - milling , which induced the melting point of nanocrystal pvc decreased from 210 “ c to 128 擄 c . the nanocrystal pvc induced the decrease . of plasicizing time and equilibrium torque and the increase of maximal torque , which showed that the nanocrystal pvc had self - plasticization in pvc composites 通過sem 、 tem 、 ftir和dsc測試表明:氣流粉碎制得的pvc微粉中具有不規則納米晶體,尺寸在80nm左右;氣流粉碎破壞了pvc的晶體結構,使納米晶pvc的熔點從210下降到128 ;納米晶pvc使體系塑化時間、平衡轉距降低、最大轉距升高,具有自增塑作用;納米晶pvc的加入使pvc的沖擊和拉伸強度都有大幅度上升。

The complicated mountain topography and disturbed degradation ecosystem cause the landscape characteristics of high patch size coefficient of variance , anomalistic patch shape and high fragmentation degree . the moderate erosive intensity and area are both the greatest , which mostly distributed in the degraded landscape affected by human unreasonable activities 巫溪縣復雜的山地地勢及受干擾的退化系統,形成了其斑塊面積變異性大、形狀不規則、破碎化程度高的景觀特點,中度侵蝕是侵蝕強度與面積均大的侵蝕類型,且主要分布在受人類不合理開墾、濫砍濫伐活動的退化景觀上。

The results show that there is anomalistic crystal whose size reaches nanometer grade in fine pvc ; the crystal structure is damaged by jet - milling , which induces the melting point of nanocrystal pvc decreases from 210 to 128 . the nanocrystal pvc induces the decrease of plasicizing time and equilibrium torque and the increase of maximal torque , which show that the nanocrystal pvc have self - plasticization in pvc composites 通過sem 、 tem 、 ftir和dsc測試表明:氣流粉碎制得的pvc微粉中具有不規則納米晶體;氣流粉碎破壞了pvc的晶體結構,使納米晶pvc的熔點從210下降到128 ;納米晶pvc使體系塑化時間、平衡轉距的降低、最大轉距升高,具有自增塑作用。

The paper gave some methods for calculating the area of anomalistic area on plane , and then deduced the methods for calculating coordinates points and counting grids , and finally the paper gave another method of counting pixels 介紹幾種求取平面不規則區域面積的方法,再推演出專用于計算海域面積的坐標法和方格法,并給出一種適合計算機計算的數點法。

In this thesis , we aim at solving the geometrical representation of some anomalistic objects . we try to combine the realistic representation and real - time control of the virtual natural scenes 本論文工作旨在解決虛擬環境中不規則物體的表現問題,并達到虛擬場景的真實感和對其操作的實時性的較好結合。

The research shows that the fractal theory can be used to describe quantificationally differentiate and anomalistic micro cracks of concrete that formed in injury evolution 研究表明,用分形理論方法可以定量描述和區分混凝土在損傷演化期間形成的極其不規則的微裂紋。

Sea area measurement usually uses gps timely processing the position data for the boundary of sea area , and then calculating the area of anomalistic area 摘要海域面積測算通常使用gps定時測定待測海域邊界位置點的地理坐標,再求取其圍成的不規則區域的面積。

Researching texture mapping and anomalistic raster image be used in virtual reality . moreover getting good visual impression 重點研究了一維、二維紋理貼圖以及不規則光柵圖像在虛擬場景中的應用,并取得了滿意的視覺效果。

In the real - life world , natural scenes always have plenty of surface textures and anomalistic shapes 在現實世界中,自然景物常常具有極其豐富的表面細節和不規則的表面外形。

But the head is a complex and anomalistic model , it ’ s hard to get the cad model with traditional measurement 并根據得到的尺寸特征選取具有代表性的實際人體頭部模型點云。

Anomalistic figure and special material make up the regret 不規則的圖形,超常規的材料,彌補了一點不尋常的遺憾。

The anomalistic year is the time between successive transits of the earth through the perihelion . 近點年是地球連續兩次通過近日點之間的時間。