
anodyne adj.止痛的。n.止痛藥[劑]。

First , the theory of project “ s financing , the explanation of project financing , main characteristics , with an emphasis on some project financing methods connected with the study of this article ; second , introduction of the relative background materials of “ non - addictive anodyne epibatidiue “ ; third , the project financing blue print design ; fourth , the end of this article 第一部分為項目融資理論:介紹項目融資的定義、主要特征,重點介紹了一些有關此文研究的項目融資方式:第二部分為“非成癮性鎮痛藥epibatidiue ”項目的相關背景資料介紹;第三部分為項目融資方案設計;第四部分是結論。

The main work of article is calculating and analyzing the dcr of the financing of “ non - addictive anodyne epibatidiue “ & “ timozuoan “ roject with the employment of the financial report and the materials of this line and the analysis of project ' s currency flow , and employing popular project financing theory and methods in the concrete activities of project financing 本文研究進行的主要工作是:通過運用zk藥業公司財務報表及行業資料,結合項目現金流量分析,對項目“非成癮性鎮痛藥epibatidiue ”和項目“替莫唑胺”的dcr進行計算及分析,綜合性地將一些現行的項目融資理論及方法運用于具體的項目融資活動中。


First , the theory of project “ s financing , the explanation of project financing , main characteristics , with an emphasis on some project financing methods connected with the study of this article ; second , introduction of the relative background materials of “ non - addictive anodyne epibatidiue “ ; third , the project financing blue print design ; fourth , the end of this article 第一部分為項目融資理論:介紹項目融資的定義、主要特征,重點介紹了一些有關此文研究的項目融資方式:第二部分為“非成癮性鎮痛藥epibatidiue ”項目的相關背景資料介紹;第三部分為項目融資方案設計;第四部分是結論。

The main work of article is calculating and analyzing the dcr of the financing of “ non - addictive anodyne epibatidiue “ & “ timozuoan “ roject with the employment of the financial report and the materials of this line and the analysis of project ' s currency flow , and employing popular project financing theory and methods in the concrete activities of project financing 本文研究進行的主要工作是:通過運用zk藥業公司財務報表及行業資料,結合項目現金流量分析,對項目“非成癮性鎮痛藥epibatidiue ”和項目“替莫唑胺”的dcr進行計算及分析,綜合性地將一些現行的項目融資理論及方法運用于具體的項目融資活動中。

If the patient is given priority to with the expression of exhaustion , answer to undertake convention nurses meticulously , avoid its to give birth to bedsore ; if the patient is given priority to with the expression of acuteness ache , anodyne of ying yujiang force , be like narcotic , in order to reduce its anguish 假如患者以衰竭的表現為主,則應精心地進行常規護理,避免其生褥瘡;假如患者以劇烈疼痛的表現為主,應予強力鎮痛劑,如麻醉藥,以減少其痛苦。

After all , mr bush resisted similar pressure from his friend mr blair ahead of the g8 summit in 2005 , which also addressed global warming but resulted in only an anodyne statement 畢竟,布什先生要承受在2005年峰會前夕來自其盟友布萊爾的類似壓力,同樣是關于全球變暖問題的演說只是以些許無關痛癢的措辭結束。

It is the most supernatural that holographic water is the most economical , the most high - efficient anodyne global medical science cannot invents 最妙的是止痛,全息水是世界醫學界都不可能發明出來的最低成本最高效的止痛藥。

Although rejected in favour of an anodyne text , this idea was significant 雖然這個想法最終被拒絕,并代之以緩和矛盾的折衷版本,但其意味非淺。

Determination of imperatorin in yuanhu anodyne capsule by liquid chromatography 元胡止痛膠囊中歐前胡素的液相色譜法測定