
annunciator n.1.通告者。2.〔美國〕信號器。短語和例子alarm...


As for the chip - based solution , the thesis dissertate detailedly the design method of fuctional circuit of intelligent transducer with temperature as the object , including the control module , data acquisition , display and power ; in the host - based solution , the intelligent transducer is designed to be a home safety annunciator based on lonworks fieldbus , the fuctional circuit is composed of the communication interfaces between msc1211 and neuron chip 3150 , between msc1211 and 485 bus , the control module , the msc1211 emluator , power and so on Chip - based結構的遠程溫度智能傳感器,包括控制模塊、溫度探測及變換模塊、溫度顯示及驅動模塊、電源模塊及其它輔助電路。文章詳細敘述了它們的實現方法。 host - based結構的家庭安全防范報警智能傳感器,主要包括msc1211與3150芯片和485總線的接口電路、控制模塊、 msc1211在系統編程模塊、電源模塊、以及一些輔助電路。

According to the hardware developed , this dissertation sets forth the design methods of neuron c application software of intelligent node according with the lonmark standard with examples of data acquisition and seven segment code display in the temperature transducer ; in the home safety annunciator , it dissertate detailedly the realization of communication interface between msc1211 and neuron chip 3150 . in order to construct an intelligent transducer system based on lonworks , software in the top layer based on the lns dde server is designed to manage and control the network 在chip - based結構的遠程溫度測量智能傳感器中,以溫度探測及變換接口和溫度顯示模塊接口為研究對象,詳細敘述了智能傳感器節點的符合lonmark標準的neuronc應用軟件的設計過程;在host - based結構的家庭安全防范報警智能傳感器中,在研究了msc1211的通信接口的特性之后,詳細闡述了msc1211單片機、神經元芯片3150的通信程序流程和編程實現。

Hardware products : car security system ( mainly guard against theft system ) , industry control system , product of wireless remote control with communication interface of usb , digital timer , temperature annunciator , a / d card and so on 硬件產品:汽車安防系統(以汽車防盜裝置為主) ,工業控制系統,基于usb的多媒體計算機遙控產品,數字定時器,溫度控制器, a / d轉換卡等。

Annunciator an annunciator is an accessory device used to give remote indication of the status of an operating component in a system 指示器指示器作為一個附屬裝置常用于遠程顯示系統的各個組成部分的運行狀態。

Turn both handles of the rotary slide valve ( pos . no . 15 ) and the clutch to the emergency position , and the annunciator “ emergency ” is lit on 轉動旋轉滑閥15和離合器手柄到應急位置,指示器“應急“燈亮。

The nfpa has specific requirements for remote annunciators used in some applications , such as hospitals 美國國家防火協會對指示器在某些行業的應用有特殊要求,例如醫院等。

The annunciator would give warning signal by using voice and light methods . 4 報警方式采用聲音和燈光報警兩種方式能夠滿足駕駛員所處特定環境下的要求。

I need to buy annunciator , if you can supply , only factory contact us 我們需要購買報警器,請有生產這些產品的廠家盡快聯系我們

Urban bus stop annunciator 城市客車報站器

Fma flight mode annunciator 飛行方式顯示器

The development of software system on intelligent long - distance annunciator by vb 為平臺開發智能遠程報警器軟件系統

Application of leakage coaxial cable in perimeter annunciator 泄漏同軸電纜在周界報警裝置中的應用

Electronic bus - stop annunciator onboard motorcoach 客車電子報站器

Design of gas detecting annunciator based on atmega128l 的瓦斯檢測報警裝置的設計