
annunciation n.1.通告,公布。2.〔the A-〕 【宗教】天使報...

annunciation lily

The account given in ( sura 19 of ) the qur ' an is nearly identical with that in the gospel according to luke , and it should be noted that both of these ( luke , sura 19 ) begin with an account of the visitation of an angel upon zakariya ( zecharias ) and good news of the birth of yahya ( john ) , followed by the account of the annunciation 可蘭經(第十九章)幾乎是與圣經中的路加福音一樣,應當留意兩者(路加,第十九章)開始的時候記敘了埃薩巴之上的天使的探訪,還有葉哈雅(約翰)出生的好消息,接下來就是記敘了天使報喜。

If the aforesaid party still fails to fulfill its obligations upon expiration of the time limit , the examination and approval authorities shall withdraw and nullify the venture ' s approval certificate , and the administrative authorities for industry and commerce shall revoke the business license and make an annunciation 限期屆滿仍未履行的,審查批準機關應當撤銷合作企業的批準證書,工商行政管理機關應當吊銷合作企業的營業執照,并予以公告。

Like archangel gabriel at the annunciation and like the army of angels that night in the sky of bethlehem , we bring a good news when we evangelize , the good news is that jesus wants to be born in everybody s heart and make everybody god s loved child 我們福傳時也就擔任著天使一般的使命:把一個大喜訊傳給所有的人:天主選了所有的人做?的兒女,天主要和每個人做朋友,天主渴望誕生在每個人的心中。

Alarm systems - alarm transmission systems and equipment - part 4 : annunciation equipment used in alarm receiving centres ; german version clc ts 50136 - 4 : 2004 警報系統.警報傳輸系統和設備.第4部分:警報接收中心

On dec 14 , 07 , the 2nd prayer meeting of medjugorje was held in the church of the annunciation . there were around 150 participants 在2007年12月14日,第二次默主哥耶祈禱聚會在圣母領報堂舉行。約有150人參與。

Fire detectors , line tracers , smoke detectors , fire alarm systems , emergency annunciation panels , smoke extraction systems , etc 消防偵察器、線式感應器、煙霧感應器、火警警布器、緊急報警箱、排煙系統等

A group of cmcc parishioners & some catholic women ' s league members visited the church of annunciation on dec 11 , 07 在07年12月11日,中華殉道圣人堂的教友及一些婦女會的會員來訪圣母領報堂。

Alarm systems - alarm transmission systems and equipment - annunciation equipment used in alarm receiving centres 警報系統.警報傳輸系統和設備.警報接收中心用報警設備