
annunciate vt.〔罕用語〕公布,通告。


The heritages of the revolutionary army of eight road shannxi office was annunciated national preservation denomination in 1988 . to develop xi ' an qixianzhuang district and exhibit this district historical , cultural and architectural charming through historic district conservation and regeneration 本文基于對現狀的深入調查,確立七賢莊歷史街區,提出保護的對策,發掘地區資源潛力,尋求發展契機,進而探討七賢莊地區保護、更新與利用的方法和途經。

Xi ' an forest of steles , one of the important cultural heritages in the old city area of xi ' an , is the largest stone sculpture museum in china , which was annunciated as the first batch cultural preservation units in the whole country 西安碑林是西安明城內一處重要的文化遺產,中國最大的石刻藝術館, 1961年被確定為全國第一批文物保護單位。

People court can stick an annunciate subpoena the accused 人民法院會貼出告示傳喚被告。