
annum n.〔拉丁語〕年。 per annum 每年。

“ designed capacity : 1 . 50 million tonnes per annum t1 t2 after expansion 設計容量:年處理貨物1 5 0萬噸擴建后的一號及二號貨運站

“ from one hundred and fifty to two hundred thousand livres per annum . “每年十五萬至二十萬里弗左右的利息。 ”

“ two hundred thousand per annum would make four millions of capital . “每年二千萬里弗收益金就得四百萬本。 ”

“ but i was told he had four millions per annum ? “但我聽說他每年有四百萬的利息收入。 ”


Once every 5 years for rent of 100 . 00 or less but greater than 1 cent per annum 倘每年地稅為100 . 00或以下但多于1仙,每5年發出一次。

If less than hk m $ 80 , 000 per annum , please indic at ve source ( s ) of other income 如年薪總額不足八萬港元,請注明其他收入數目及來源。

The designed maximum capacity of the supply system is 1 . 1 billion cubic metres per annum 供水系統的設計最高供應量是每年11億立方米。

If less than hk $ 100 , 000 perf annum , please indicate source ( s ) of other income 如年薪總額不足二十萬港元,請注明其他收入數目及來源。

Annum x % per annum 年年利率

If less than hk $ 100 , 000 per annum , please indicate source ( s ) of other income 如年薪總額不足二十萬港元,請注明其他收入數目及來源。

8 per cent per annum 年月日

The highest salaries are paid in london , where the average is ? 25 , 000 per annum 倫敦的薪金最高,那里的平均水平是每年2 . 5萬英鎊。

5 . 60 per cent per annum 年月日

“ designed capacity : 1 . 50 million tonnes per annum t1 t2 after expansion 設計容量:年處理貨物1 5 0萬噸擴建后的一號及二號貨運站

66 , 000 per annum for urban area ( including shatin , tsuen wan and kwai tsing ) 市區(包括沙田、荃灣及葵青)物業不超過66 , 000元

Tuition fee per annum 每年學費元

160 per vehicle per annum 每年每輛160

66 , 000 per annum for urban area including shatin , tsuen wan and kwai tsing 市區包括沙田荃灣及葵青物業不超過66 , 000元

Per annum interest payment dates 年月日