
annulment n.取消,廢止,作廢,注銷。

Others included women who wanted annulments because their husbands were “ mammoni “ ( mamma ' s boys ) who were not able to cut the psychological umbilical cord with their mothers even though they are in their 30s or 40s or beyond 其他的案子包括婦女要求婚姻無效,因為她們的丈夫是媽媽寧(媽媽的男孩) ,縱使已30 、 40馀歲或更年長,都無法割斷與母親的心理臍帶。

Renee zellweger , who has filed for an annulment from kenny chesney after just four months of marriage , says the couple “ hope to experience this transition as privately as possible . 日前,好萊塢女星芮妮?齊薇格向法院提交了離婚協議,希望與鄉村歌手肯尼?切斯尼結束4個月的婚姻關系。齊薇格對媒體表示: “我們希望盡可能安靜的度過這一過渡期。 ”


The annulment of agricultural tax this year marks a new stage of reforms in rural areas , and the government will continue to deepen institutional reform at township level and financial reform at county and township levels , wen told a two - day national conference on rural reform which ended on saturday 溫總理在上周六結束的為期兩天的關于農村改革的國務院會議中說,今年廢除農業稅,標志著農村經濟改革步入了新的階段,政府將繼續加大制度改革和金融改革的力度,以提高農村及鄉鎮居民生活的生活水平。

Firstly , some basic concepts are not clear , such as what is the status of the company under liquidation , how to define the action of the industrial - commercial authority ' s invalidation of the license of the company , whether or not the share holders can sue to disincorporate the company , is it legal to dissolve a company without liquidation , what is special liquidation , under what situation will a company be obliged to disincorporate , who will be responsible for liquidation after the dis incorporation , etc . secondly , some primary legislative principles about disincorporation and liquidation that are adopted in foreign countries are not established in china , such as a company must be liquidated before disincorporation except for acquisition , the company remains valid during the liquidation until it finishes the invalidation registration , an ordinary liquidation must be replaced by a special liquidation under the instruction of the court when there is an impediment or a fraud , the company should apply to the court for bankruptcy when it is found that its debt is over its asset during the liquidation , the number of people execute liquidation can be several or just one , companies applied for annulment shall be judged by the court and must be liquidated , etc . thirdly , china does n ' t have some of the fundamental rules that are specified in the laws of foreign countries , such as the rule of disincorporation registration , the rule that the company should sue to let the court judge for disincorporation if there is a deadlock between share holders , the rule of credit trade - off in special liquidation , the rule that people who execute the liquidation are jointly responsible for compensating the loss of the third party caused by their activities that are illegal or vicious , the rule of special liquidation , the rule of the representation of the people who execute the liquidation , the rule of the court supervising the liquidation in an inactive way , the rule of how long the accounts and documents should be kept after disincorporation , etc . because of the lack in research and legislation , the system for companies leaving the market is highly disorganized , which harmed the interest of the creditors and relevant people , increased the risk of market exchange , damaged the order of the market economy and the ethic of doing business , wasted the resources of the society , and impaired the authority and seriousness of the law 再次,國外立法上的一些基本制度我國沒有,如解散登記制度,股東出現僵局訴請法院判決解散制度,特別清算中的債權協定制度,清算人因違法或惡意對第三人承擔連帶賠償責任制度,司法特別清算制度,清算人的代表性制度,法院消極監督清算制度,帳薄及文件在公司解散后保存法定期限制度等。由于理論研究和立法的不足,造成了我國公司法人退出市場機制的嚴重混亂,損害了債權人和利害關系人的利益,增加了市場主體交易不安全感,破壞了市場經濟秩序和商業道德,浪費了社會資源,削弱了法律的權威性和嚴肅性。文章認為,完善我國公司解散和清算制度,應借鑒和引進發達國家的法學理論和法律制度,統一我國有關解散和清算立法,在基本概念、基本原則、基本制度、基本程序諸方面進行統一規范,填補立法空白,創設法院解散公司制度,廢除行政特別清算制度代之以司法特別清算制度,健全和嚴格違反清算規定的法律責任制度(包括民事責任,刑事責任,行政責任,改變現行行政處罰范圍偏廣,民事賠償范圍偏窄,刑事追究空白太多的不協調狀況) ,從而構筑起科學的公司解散和清算制度,使之符合我國經濟生活的客觀需求,符合市場經濟發展的基本方向,并與國外立法通例趨同。

In case a decision is made in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph , the people ' s congress or the standing committee of the people ' s congress at the corresponding level or the governments at higher levels shall order a change or annulment of the decision 對違反前款規定作出的決定,本級人民代表大會、本級人民代表大會常務委員會或者上級政府應當責令其改變或者撤銷。

My reading will trace his experimental writing style which manifests itself in poetical techniques such as the partial annulment of syntax , and the linking of the literary discourse with the medical discourse in order to disturb or destroy logocentric thinking 緊接著為實驗式的書寫方式,以詩的技巧、句法局部刪除及文學論述與醫學論述的結合彰顯無遺,用以干擾或摧毀邏輯中心思維。

I am aware that any false statements will lead to my application being rejected or to the annulment of a visa already granted and may also render me liable to prosecution under the law of the schengen state which deals with the application 我知道,任何虛假陳述都將導致拒絕簽證或已發簽證的廢止,也可以根據對我的申請進行審理的申根國家的法律規定進行刑事追究。

Others included women who wanted annulments because their husbands were “ mammoni “ ( mamma ' s boys ) who were not able to cut the psychological umbilical cord with their mothers even though they are in their 30s or 40s or beyond 其他的案子包括婦女要求婚姻無效,因為她們的丈夫是媽媽寧(媽媽的男孩) ,縱使已30 、 40馀歲或更年長,都無法割斷與母親的心理臍帶。

I am aware that any false statements will lead to my application being rejected or to the annulment of a visa already granted and may also render me liable to prosecution under the law of the schengen state which deals with the application 我知道任何的虛假言論都會導致簽證申請被駁回或注銷已經頒發的簽證,而且處理我的簽證申請的申根國有權對我予以司法追究。

Renee zellweger , who has filed for an annulment from kenny chesney after just four months of marriage , says the couple “ hope to experience this transition as privately as possible . 日前,好萊塢女星芮妮?齊薇格向法院提交了離婚協議,希望與鄉村歌手肯尼?切斯尼結束4個月的婚姻關系。齊薇格對媒體表示: “我們希望盡可能安靜的度過這一過渡期。 ”

Wherever the sensuous affirmation is the direct annulment of the object in its independent form ( as in eating , drinking , working up of the object , etc . ) , this is the affirmation of the object 如果感性的肯定是對采取獨立形態的對象的直接揚棄(如吃、喝、對象的加工、等等) ,那末這也就是對象的肯定

So she offered an annulment to her new husband because he didn t marry her only five days before to suddenly have a family of three kids . but fred couldn t think of annulment . he loved her 她跟費特解除婚約,他該不會想跟她結婚5天后便要照顧3名孩子他無法接受退婚的提議,他愛她,他也愛那些孩子。

Some systems require parental consent to marriage when the parties are above the minimum age but below some other age , and failure to obtain this may be a ground for annulment 一些法律更規定如果結婚雙方到了最小年齡,但不夠某一年齡,需要征得父母同意,不滿足條件的婚姻可能被法庭宣布無效。

Proof of termination of marriage ( foreign divorce decree or death certificate , or philippines annulment or death certificate on nso security paper ) ( if applicable ) 結束婚姻狀況憑證即外國簽發的離婚令或死亡證書,或由菲律賓簽發的、印在nso安全紙上的解除婚約或死亡證書(如適用)

That is just one of the , well , hazy cases that wound up before the vatican ' s sacra romana rota , a top court which hears the most complicated of marriage annulment requests 這只是層層上到梵諦岡羅馬圣輪法院的眾多晦澀案件之一,該單位是教廷審理最復雜的婚姻無效要求的最高法庭。

Original birth / marriage / divorce absolute / annulment or legal separation court orders for you / or your spouse / death certificate for deceased spouse 最初的出生/婚姻/離婚絕對的/廢除或合法的分離法院為已故的配偶為你/或命令你的配偶/死亡證明書。

Any draftee justified with a deferred conscription may be notified to take the conscription examination upon the annulment of the cause justifying the deferred conscription 役男具緩徵原因者,得俟緩徵原因消滅后,始通知其接受徵兵檢查。

Blair county judge hiram carpenter iii granted the annulment , meaning under pennsylvania law at least , tremmel was never married to wert , 35 法官允許了阿爾瑪廢止婚姻的請求。至少,賓夕法尼亞州的法律不承認阿爾瑪和溫特的婚姻。

The limits of authority for approving the annulment of a reserve rank shall be the same as those for approving the conferment of the rank 批準取消預備役軍官軍銜的權限,與批準授予該級預備役軍官軍銜的權限相同。