
annul vt.取消(命令),廢除,注銷。 The treaty ...

“ but to return . i have shown that no society of slaves can endure , because , in its very nature , such society must annul the law of development “不過,話又說回來,我曾經告訴過你們,奴隸社會是長不了的,因為就其本性而言,這樣的社會必須消滅發展規律。

“ every vow and every binding oath to humble herself , her husband may confirm it or her husband may annul it 民30 : 13凡他所許的愿、和刻苦約束自己所起的誓、他丈夫可以堅定、也可以廢去。

“ but if he indeed annuls them after he has heard them , then he shall bear her guilt . 民30 : 15但他丈夫聽見以后、若使這兩樣全廢了、就要擔當婦人的罪孽。

“ will you really annul my judgment ? will you condemn me that you may be justified 伯40 : 8你豈可廢棄我所擬定的豈可定我有罪、好顯自己為義麼。


And i say this : a covenant previously ratified by god , the law , having come four hundred and thirty years after , does not annul so as to make the promise of none effect 17而且我這樣說,神預先所立定的約,不能被那四百三十年以后才有的律法廢掉,以致使應許失效。

A source close to britney spears told the publication after spears claimed that her “ joke ” wedding vows had been annulled just one day after the whirlwind marriage “小甜甜”布萊妮在她的閃電式婚禮一天后就宣布婚誓無效。親近布萊妮的人士無奈地這般評價她。

An indian child , married off against her will at the age of 12 , has won a battle to have her two - year marriage annulled so that she can return to school 一個出生貧寒的印度小女孩, 12歲時被父母強迫出嫁, 14歲時勇敢地為離婚而戰并最終爭取到重返校園的權利。

An indian child married off against her will at the age of 12 has won a battle to have her two - year marriage annulled so that she can return to school 一個出生貧寒的印度小女孩, 12歲時被父母強迫出嫁, 14歲時勇敢地為離婚而戰并最終爭取到重返校園的權利。

“ but to return . i have shown that no society of slaves can endure , because , in its very nature , such society must annul the law of development “不過,話又說回來,我曾經告訴過你們,奴隸社會是長不了的,因為就其本性而言,這樣的社會必須消滅發展規律。

The van , under such circumstances as annul inspection and maintenance , will be substituted by other vans with in good conditions 如果乙方提供的車輛需要年檢、維修保養或者出現司機方面的原因而導致不能為甲方提供服務時;乙方會及時提供其他車輛予以補償。

Where the board does not reduce or annul the assessment , the appellant may be ordered to pay a sum not exceeding $ 5 , 000 as costs to the board 如委員會沒有減少或取消評稅,上訴人可能會被命令繳付一筆不超過$ 5 , 000的款項,作為委員會的訟費。

Where the board does not reduce or annul the assessment , the appellant may be ordered to pay a sum not exceeding 5 , 000 as costs to the board 如委員會沒有減少或取消評稅,上訴人可能會被命令繳付一筆不超過5 , 000的款項,作為委員會的訟費。

Criminal proceedings were instituted in 25 cases , 4 involved annulling of privatization status and 22 concerned breaches in the controls for reporting assets Sccp提出25宗刑事檢控; 4宗涉及取消私有化地位, 22宗則與違反資產申報規定有關。

Do not despise us , for your own name ' s sake ; do not disgrace the throne of your glory ; remember and do not annul your covenant with us 耶14 : 21求你為你名的緣故、不厭惡我們、不辱沒你榮耀的寶座求你追念、不要背了與我們所立的約。

It is easy for you to talk of annulling the law of development , but where is the new law of development that will maintain your strength 你們侈談消滅發展規律,那倒容易,但是能讓你保留自己力量的新發展規律又在哪里?提出來吧?

The production of electric energy is to produce , offer , annul coinstantaneous , finish at the same time , both neither can be interrupted cannot store again 電能的生產是產、供、銷同時發生,同時完成,既不能中斷又不能儲存。

Because of these increased profits , we were able to increase your annul dividend payments per share of the 50 cents paid over the last 10 years 過去10年里,由于利潤的增長,我們支付給你(們)每股50美分的年度股利分紅。

If the fraud found after graduation , the degrees conferred will be annulled and their eligibility for graduation will be nullified as well 如在本校畢業后始被發覺,除依法繳銷其學位證書外,并公告取消其畢業資格。

The commissioner will consider every valid objection and within a reasonable time may confirm , reduce , increase or annul the assessment 局長會考慮該通知書,并在一段合理的時間內確認、減少、增加或取消評稅。