
annuity n.年金。 a contingent [life, te...

“ well , you have an annuity . “嗯,你也可以拿年金呀。 ”

“ him to whom your excellency pays that little annuity . “就是大人給了他那一小筆養老金的那個人。 ”


Basic annuities is comprised by the individual account annuities of fundamental annuities 基本養老金由基礎養老金的個人帳戶養老金組成。

Is a negative number because it represents cash paid out from the annuity each year 表示從每年的年金中支出的現金,因此它是一個負數。

About annuities you should understand to social insurance device , can take 關于養老金你應該到社會保險機構去了解,是可以取出來的。

Peter gave to his wife an annuity of 200 a year , to be issuing out of his lands 彼得每年給其妻200鎊年金,此款出自其地產之收益。

A responsible company is supposed to provide old employees annuities after retirement 負責任的公司應該在老員工退休后提供養老金。

The company sold its first group annuity , making its entry into the pension market 公司售出第一份團體年金,從而進入退休金市場。

An analysis of own obstacle that our country enterprise annuity enters the capital market 我國企業年金進入資本市場的自身障礙分析

Annuity trust account 年金信托戶

Commutation of annuities 年金折償

Deferred life annuity 延期人壽年金

The status of insurance company in operation main bodies of enterprise annuity market 保險公司在企業年金市場運營主體中的地位

The cash flow for each period does not need to be fixed , as it is for an annuity 每一時期的現金流不必像年金那樣固定不變。

Annuity savings deposits 年金儲蓄存款

Contract of life annuity 終身年金契約

Preferential tax policies in boosting the development of enterprise annuity in china 促進我國企業年金發展的稅收優惠政策

An annuity is a series of fixed cash payments made during a period of time 年金是一段時間內多次支付的固定金額的現金。

Life and annuity business 人壽及年金業務