
annual adj.1.每年的;年度的;一年(一次)的。2.(植物)...

annual expenditure

In 1967 the commission decided to give annual consideration to the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms . 1967年,人權委員會決定每年審議侵犯人權和基本自由的問題。

The master file is used to produce the output tabulations from which the tables in the annual reports are printed . 用這個控制檔案制成輸出報表,然后再據此印刷年報中的表格。

Traditionally, the annual meeting of golden state power & light shareholders was a sedate, even dull, proceeding . 金州電力公司股東的年會一向是一個斯文、甚至沉悶的會議。

The most prevalent weeds around recently planted trees are usually grass and annual broadleaved weeds . 在新栽植的幼樹周圍,長得最多的雜草通常是牧草和一年生闊葉雜草。

In general, the annual rainfall in these regions is less than the annual water loss by evaporation . 總的來說,這些地區的年降雨量比一年內由于蒸騰而失去的水分要少。

Table iv-7 shows the annual production of organic solvents and their estimated usage in the u.s. for 1968 . 表-7表示有機溶劑的年產量和1968年美國的估計使用量。

If the biennial cycle is broken for one year the trees normally bear annual crops subsequently . 如果一年里打破了大小年的循環周期,植株以后就可每年正常結果。

A local authority had purchased it , so that an enormous pie could be baked for an annual fair . 某地方當局購買此盤旨在能夠在一年一度的集市上烘烤巨大的餡餅。

Since 1927 that annual designation has gone to the news maker who has most influenced the year's events . 自1927年以來,每年都選出對當年影響最大的新聞人物。

Private ownership of land was recognized subject to fixed annual charges due to the king . 在每年向國王貢納固定的年度賦稅義務的情況下,土地私有權受到確認。

In a week's time nim was due to address the annual convention of the national electric institute . 一個星期后,尼姆預定要向全國電力協會的年會發表講話。

In 1973 some experts estimated an annual turnover of $600 billion for all mncs combined. 1973年,一些專家估計,所有跨國公司的年度營業額為6000億美元。

The cultivated soybean is an erect, bushy annual plant of great morphological diversity . 栽培大豆是一種直立、叢生、形態變化很大的一年生植物。

Let's use an example the average annual inventory turnover in 20 large construction firms . 現在舉一個20個大型建筑公司年平均資金周轉期的例子。

If you don't mind, our annual circus is something i'd like to blot out for a while . 你要不介意的話,我想暫時忘掉我們那一年一度的馬戲表演。

I maintain the title by the annual payment of twelve pounds sterling for a certificate . 為了保持這一個頭銜,我每年交納十二鎊的證件費。

Arizona's annual harvest of cantaloups is outranked only by california's production . 亞利桑那州每年收成的羅馬甜瓜產量僅次于加州。

It was travelling north on its annual migration to the rookeries of bering sea . 現在正當一年一度向北遷徒到白令海的老窩去的季節。

I found it almost impossible to walk away from an annual income of $970,000. 我感到,要放棄97萬美元的年薪,幾乎是不可能的事情。