
annoyance n.1.煩惱,為難;麻煩。2.煩惱的事情。短語和例子pu...


Why do you always take your annoyance out on me ? it ' s not my fault that you ' re angry 你怎么老把我氣撒在我身上?可不是我惹你生氣的。

To his annoyance , the stubborn flies persisted , but his customers no longer came 讓他惱火的是,蒼蠅依然我行我素,但顧客們卻不來了。

It ' s a surge protector designed to remove the annoyances of a regular power strip 這個特別的插座可以免去普通插座給你帶來的困擾。

Acoustics - assessment of noise annoyance by means of social and socio - acoustic surveys 聲學.用社會和社會聲學測量法評定噪聲干擾

That big - breasted annoyance ? i ; d rather look at himeko , thank you very much 那個討厭的大奶妹?我更加喜歡看姬子,謝謝你了。

And he became a soldier , inscrutable , only pale with annoyance 他變成了一個士兵似的,令人不可捉摸的態度,臉孔煩惱得發青。

Lydecker narrating i concealed my annoyance with masterly self - control 萊德克敘述我用精湛的自制力掩飾了我的惱火

Problems with fire , gas , or oil may cause disruptions and annoyances 關于火、氣或者油的問題可能引起分歧和煩惱。

To clear out annoyance and quench thirst 滌煩療渴

It is an annoyance to be involved in the social circle 處在社交圈中是一種煩惱,而超脫出來簡直是一場悲劇。

On the voyage , the enjoyable toy brought me joy and annoyance 在航行中,使人愉快的玩具給我帶來快樂和煩惱

It is annoyance to be involved in the social circles 處在社交圈中是一種煩惱,而超脫出來簡直是一場悲劇。

One of my greatest annoyances is when 是我最煩的事之一

I am very happy , no annoyance 現在開心多了,煩惱一掃而光

She exhaled slowly to show her annoyance 她長嘆以示厭煩。

One of my greatest annoyances is when . . 是我最煩的事之一. .

The evaluation of vehicle vibration comfort based on annoyance rate 基于煩惱率模型的車輛平順性評價

Feel annoyance or discomfort at object to sth 對某事物介意

A cause of annoyance ; a nuisance the plague of social jabbering 紛擾引起厭煩的原因,令人頭痛的事